Nangong Bing and the others just bowed their heads and laughed when they heard Yu Qingqian's words. They seemed to be disliked by the Great Demon King.

   However, with the deepening of the understanding of the Great Demon King, Feng Chen and others along the way, Nangong Bing and others also discovered many of their differences and became more convinced of them.

   The group seems to have regarded Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen as leaders.

   This is also the charm of Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, who can infect the people around them no matter where they go.

   "Qingqian, what should we do next? Are we still going on a flying boat?" Since Feng Chen killed Teng Xing, Xuanyuanlan has more confidence in his team.

  Yu Qingqian thought for a while and said, "Well, I think the introduction on the jade slip is not too dangerous inside the outer islands. Let's take the flying boat all the way and leave more time on the central island."

   "Okay!" Several people also agreed.

   Actually, watching Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian take action, their hands were itchy too.

  Nangongbing and others have always had a deep hatred for the sea clan and the soul clan. Most of Yu Qingqian and the others are for the reward, but they just want to kill more people from the two clans.

   A group of people continued to drive the flying boat on their way, during which they encountered several waves of sea clan who deliberately came to block them.

   Neither Yu Qingqian nor Feng Chen made a move this time, and Shi Xi and Feng Li made a few moves and it was easy to get it done.

  If they meet someone on the Sea Clan's bounty list, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen will take action, and the purpose is to get the bounty.

   It’s a pity that I have only met two teams that ranked in the 90s on the bounty list. The two of them made it easy.

While    was on the road, there would occasionally be news of the fall of the human race on the identity token. This kind of thing was either a major life-and-death crisis on the island or was killed by people from the Soul Race and the Sea Race.

   However, after the comparison of the three clans, in the more than a month since entering Shenlai Island, the sea clan had the most deaths, followed by the soul clan, and the human clan was the least, which made the seniors of the sea clan and the soul clan very depressed.

However, the sea clan and the soul clan have also been hostile for many years. The soul clan also covets the soul of the sea clan. The sea clan wants to capture the soul orb of the soul clan, so it is good that there is no battle between the two clans. It is impossible to unite against the human clan. .

   Of course, the relationship between the sea clan, the soul clan and the human clan is also the same, and the three-legged situation is difficult to break.

  Yu Qingqian and the others took the flying boat and went directly from the shortcut passage from the sea clan to the outer islands.

   Soon the news spread throughout the Human Race, Soul Race, and Sea Race, and many people didn't know how to describe the actions of this team.

  When others enter the forest inside the outer island, they are hiding and trying not to expose themselves, but the Great Demon King and his party have to do the opposite, just like a living target.

  The Soul Clan and the Sea Clan therefore had a team that made up their minds against Yu Qingqian's group, and instead of going back, they were going to block in the general direction of Feizhou.

   After killing a few less powerful sea clans after another month, Yu Qingqian and his party finally crossed the shortcut and reached the interior of the outer island.

  The interior of the outer islands is full of dense virgin forests, and the airflow between the air is very messy, and it turns out to be a mixture of aura and black energy.

  So Yu Qingqian often released the dark plants in the small tower space to breathe, and by the way, he adapted to the environment mixed with these two kinds of Qi, so that he could better survive in the environment with only aura in the future.

  On this day, Yu Qingqian and the others just walked into a forest when they were suddenly enveloped by a field of fire.

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