The speed of the flying boat was very fast, and it flew to the teleportation point of the human race after three days.

   From a distance, the earth is engraved with the prohibitions of heaven, and there are even fluctuations in the prohibition of plant patterns of super heaven.

   The planting patterns are marked with conspicuous engraving patterns, exuding layers of fluctuations and the flow of waves of different colors, which is very spectacular.

  Yu Qingqian and others stood on the flying boat and looked down. Nangongbing saw a proud smile on the serious face of the teleporter.

   "The teleportation point of the human race is not just the teleportation to the island of Shenlai, right?" Feng Chen asked Nangong Bing.

   Feng Chen was very interested in these looming plant patterns forbidding fluctuations.

  Nangong Bing nodded: "There are many places where the teleportation point can be teleported. For example, there are a few out-of-place interfaces that have been positioned not too far away and have a good relationship with us, and there are many secret realms or interfaces that you can't go through alone."

   "It's a pity that the distance from the Lower Heaven Realm to the Upper Heaven Realm to the Middle Heaven Realm is too far, and there are too many space storms. Otherwise, it would be much more convenient if the plant pattern teleportation was established." He sighed with emotion.

  If the plant pattern transmission is established, the communication between the two domains will be much safer.

   "Maybe it will be realized one day." Feng Chen smiled.

  The research on the ban on planting is endless, and it will be done one day.

  Nangong Bing said with a smile: "Well, I heard that many celestial planters in the realm of heaven have gathered to study this, and I don't know when they will be successful."

   "Is this human teleportation formation also owned by the Nangong family?" Feng Chen thought about it and asked again.

   There are many celestial or super-celestial planting restrictions here, and some of them can't even spy on the content too deep. The Nangong family should not have that strength.

Nangong Bing gave a wry smile: "Our Nangong family is good at building flying boats, but the other two professions are very poor. The teleportation point of this human race belongs to a huge planting family in the heaven, and we need to pay to use it. Spiritual."

   "I see, it's no wonder that such an advanced teleportation plant pattern can be engraved." Feng Chen nodded.

   Yu Qingqian tilted his head and asked, "Does it cost spiritual essence to enter Shenlai Island to use the teleportation point?"

   "Of course, the big clan in the heaven realm won't care what we do when we enter Shenlai Island, as long as we use the teleportation planting array, we need to pay the spiritual essence."

   Nangong Bing added: "Our human race's 100,000 legion will spend a total of 1 billion mid-grade spiritual marrow as the transfer fee."

   "Then who will pay for this fee?" Yu Qingqian was a little curious.

  Nangong Bing said with a smile: "Naturally it falls on the heads of every family, but the Nangong family, the royal family and the four royal palaces will be the big ones."

   "The cost of entering Shenlai Island is really not small!" Yu Qingqian found that it was difficult to arrange these planting bans, but it was also very profitable.

  It’s a pity that such a huge project can’t be done by only two or three top-quality tattooists, at least dozens of them, otherwise their first village can also do such a business.

   "What is the family that built this human teleportation point?" Feng Chen became interested.

   To be able to establish such a teleportation point, that family’s research on plant patterns is absolutely in-depth.

  Nangong Bing shrugged and smiled: "I don't know, I just heard that it is the big family that is known as the first planting family in the Heavenly Realm."

   "It's not difficult for us to collect the news of the lower realm, but it is difficult to collect the news of the upper realm." He added.

   Feng Chen didn't force it, he just wrote down this information silently, and then went to the Heaven Realm to collect news about that family.

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