Yu Qingqian's body's wood-type ability's affinity was automatically distributed, and as soon as the five spiritual plants came out, they couldn't help but rubbed her affectionately.

   Huang Puxiao was amazed, his spiritual plant had never been so affectionate to anyone, including him.

  Others are also amazed by it. It turns out that Lingzhi is still so close to people, they have never seen or heard of it.

  Because of the performance of Huangpu Xiao and Lingzhi, the people present had inexplicably more expectations for Yu Qingqian.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly and reached out to touch the five spirit plants. Not only did he respond to the other party's intimacy, but he also found out the bloodlines and attributes of the five spirit plants.

   "Don't mind testing the blood level and attributes of the five spiritual plants in public." Yu Qing asked Huang Pu Xiao with a smile.

  Huang Puxiao nodded and said with a smile, "Naturally I don't mind."

Since    has been exposed, there is no need to hide the bloodline level and attributes.

   "I don't have anything I've identified, so if anyone has trouble borrowing it." Yu Qingqian said to the people around her with a calm smile.

"I have it here, but I don't know if you dare to use it." A voice came from the crowd, and the people around stepped aside. Nangong Yan and the third prince stepped forward, followed by several other clan disciples. .

  Because of the actions of the two, the elders of the Nangong family and the royal family unconsciously frowned.

  Yu Qing smiled lightly: "Why don't you dare to use it? Please."

   She didn't expect that Nangong Yan and the third prince would come to find fault directly, but this kind of smashing is Yu Qingqian's favorite, so that she can better support her "first village" not to play fake.

   After all, everyone knows that Nangong Yan and others do not get along with Yu Qingqian, and it is impossible for them to partner and deceive.

  Nangong Yan threw a crystal ball to Yu Qingqian, which was specially used to test the talents and attributes of Lingzhi's bloodline.

   He didn't play tricks on the crystal ball. After all, Yu Qingqian was not stupid, but he didn't believe that she really had the ability to enhance Lingzhi's talent potential.

  Yu Qingqian knew that Luan Xin's handwriting must have been done by Nangong Yan and the others who came to find fault today, but she would not refuse to come to these little conspiracies.

Holding the crystal ball in his hand, he swept his mental strength to make sure there was no problem, Yu Qingqian kindly touched Huang Puxiao's five spiritual plants and said, "Little darlings, you put the vines on the crystal ball. , I will test the bloodline level and attributes for you."

  "..." The people present twitched when they saw that Yu Qingqian treated Lingzhi in such a coaxing tone and expression as a child.

   They doubted whether these Lingzhi would do the same. Although Lingzhi would not be transformed into a human being, he had reached this level of cultivation and his wisdom was definitely high.

   An unexpected scene happened. Five spiritual plants scrambled to stretch out the vines and put them on the crystal ball.

  Yu Qing smiled lightly and said, "Come one by one."

   After her voice fell, there was only a vine of a spiritual plant left on the crystal ball, and everyone was amazed again.

   Just from this point of view, everyone's previous contempt for Yu Qingqian has softened a bit.

  Real gold is not afraid of fire, this magic star is really capable!

   Soon, the bloodlines of the five spiritual plants were tested, all of them were king-level, and their attributes happened to be gold, wood, water, fire and soil.

"You don't mind borrowing this crystal ball for a while, right?" Yu Qingqian looked at Nangong Yan with a half-smile, but there was not much warmth in his eyes, "After all, after I finish improving Lingzhi's talent potential, I have to test it again. once."

  Nangongyan's face was not as good as when he came just now. He didn't expect that Yu Qingqian could easily order Huang Puxiao's Lingzhi to do things.

   However, he still didn't believe that the other party could really make the last step, and smiled indifferently: "You can use it!"

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