Those under the control of the mysterious army need to dedicate their souls, and they will be given endless abilities, and they will also be given a stone and exercises for cultivation, and their cultivation will be improved by a large level.

   Fengchen suddenly thought of a question, and immediately asked Luan Yu, "There are two eternal **** emperors around Luan Xin, do you know who they are?"

   "There are two Eternal God Emperors protecting each other by her side?" Luan Yu was also very surprised by the news, "I don't know this. I learned of her big secret by using a special method to bribe her personal maid."

"But I can be sure that the Luan family's ancestors would not do such a thing. The two ancestors went to close life and death for no apparent reason. They don't care if Luan Xin is out of sight." He added. one sentence.

   Luan Yu suddenly felt a sense of lingering fears. Fortunately, he didn't do anything to Luan Xin before, otherwise she would have enough for them to drink a pot just because she had two strong guards with Eternal Realm cultivation.

   At this time, he was extremely fortunate to have come to Feng Chen and others to try to cooperate.

   "How do you want to cooperate with us?" It's not surprising that Feng Chen saw that Luan Yu didn't know about the two Eternal God Emperors. After all, those two people were very good at concealment.

Luan Yu didn't go around in circles, took out a bottle with red liquid, and said straight to the point: "As long as you go to Shenlai Island to wound Luan Xin, and inject this bottle of blood with the curse of the ancestors of the Luan family into her body, you can ."

   "With the blood cursed by the ancestors of the Luan family? What is this for?" Yu Qingqian took the blood with great interest and shook it a few times to watch it carefully.

Luan Yu didn't hide it, "This is the punishment of the ancestors of the Luan family for those who betrayed the clan. As long as they are cursed by this blood, the person's cultivation will slowly dissipate, and he will suffer a great pain every once in a while. ."

   "As long as Luan Xin's body is injected with this kind of blood curse, when she comes out of Shenlai Island, the Luan family's criminal court will take her back to the Luan family and imprison her forever."

  Luan Yu added: "Of course, entering the Criminal Court also means that her good days are over. Not only will she not be able to gain freedom for the rest of her life, but she will also be subject to the family's criminal law."

   He didn't want to kill Luan Xin, he wanted to make Luan Xin unable to survive for the rest of his life, imprisoned in a dark dungeon forever.

   "You want to put Luan Xin on the charge of treason?" Yu Qingqian asked while playing with the bottle of blood in his hand.

  Luan Yu smiled: "We have not wronged Luan Xin. Over the years, she has borrowed a lot of black money from the family's bank, and even misappropriated a lot of spiritual essence to the mysterious force that she came to rely on. This is definitely a traitor to the clan."

   "Thanks to the fact that the Luan family bank was looted by mysterious people this time, otherwise the senior members of the family would not have discovered this."

   Luan Yu was very fortunate that his family had been robbed, otherwise the old undead who had been swaying would never have made up their minds to deal with Luan Xin, let alone take out the cursed blood in the forbidden area and hand it over to him.

   "This kind of punishment is quite suitable for Luan Xin." Yu Qingqian hated the human race who sold his soul and family to collude with the mysterious army forces.

   In addition, what Luan Xin did in the past also made Yu Qingqian very disgusted, so Luan Yu's proposal made her feel good.

   "But we and Luan Xin didn't have this kind of hatred that would kill her, or let her live a dark life forever. Is there any benefit for us to cooperate with you?"

   Yu Qing paused and said, "The big secret you mentioned doesn't really mean much to us."

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