Nangong Bing's eyes were full of interest, and he rarely showed a desire to find out.

   "Really or not? I heard that Luan Xin's practice is not possible without a man. If such a problem occurs, wouldn't it have a great impact on her?"

  Huang Puxiao smiled meaningfully: "Yeah! I've heard that Luanxin's practice can't be done without a man. If this goes on, she won't be able to improve her cultivation."

   "Is this news unreliable?" Nangong Bing asked.

  Huang Puxiao nodded: "Nine times out of ten it's true, Luan Xin snatched two more handsome men in Nangu City, but she was killed by her anger because she couldn't have the same room."

   "That woman is a big pervert and deserves to be punished." Nangong Bing paused and said, "I don't know if she will go to Shenlai Island to help Nangong Yan now."

  If there is no Luan Xin in Nangong Yan's team, then the overall strength will be lowered by a lot.

   "You don't have to think about this. With that woman's strong temperament, she will definitely go to Shenlai Island." Huang Puxiao said decisively.

  Nangong Bing smiled: "Just go, go, it's a joke just like Nangong Yan."

   Shi Xi and Feng Chen only had one judgment in their hearts when they heard what they said.

   Luanxin has become enchanted by practice, it must be Yu Qingqian who has done something.

   "Yu Qingqian, you are the one who did this." Shi Xi said with certainty.

  Yu Qingqian took a sip of tea, "Yes, who asked her to covet my man, then she will never want to touch any man."

   The poison in Luanxin's body seems to have penetrated into the blood, Yu Qingqian can be sure that no one in this world can solve it except himself.

   "How did you do it?" Shi Xi wondered how Yu Qingqian did it, why didn't they find out.

"When I competed for the throne last time, I played a drop of medicine on Nangong Yan's team. I added some special ingredients to Luan Xin's drop. Colorless and tasteless are usually non-toxic, but once they are with a man Having **** will stimulate the medicinal liquid in her body, and she will be completely poisoned as long as it exceeds ten times for about three months."

  Yu Qing continued with a light smile, "So Luan Xin definitely didn't discover the particularity of that drop before."

   "You're too bad a woman." Shi Xi smiled speechlessly, but his heart was dark.

   Sure enough, those arrogant and arrogant people came into the hands of the great demon king Yu Qingqian, and even a dragon would be beaten into a snake by her.

   Yu Qingqian's move is equivalent to cutting off Luan Xin's spiritual food, and maybe it will really affect his cultivation.

   Otherwise, if a woman didn’t practice some evil power, how could she be so eager for a man?

   "Then will she guess now that you did it?" Shi Xi knew that Luan Xin was a very smart and powerful woman. If it weren't for the fact that her opponent was the Great Demon King, the others would have been played by her long ago.

  Yu Qingqian said indifferently: "I guessed it, and she has no evidence what can I do?"

   "What's more, I'm not afraid even if there is evidence." Yu Qingqian smiled and said, "I haven't had enough fun."

   If Luan Xin was not completely pulled down from the cloud and stepped into the mud, the tone in her heart would not be smooth.

   What's more, such a scourge is much more difficult to deal with than a character like Nangong Yan, how could she turn the other party over.

  "..." Shi Xi shuddered, thinking of Yu Qingqian's tricks, and silently ordered a wax for Luan Xin.

  Luanxin also asked for it by herself, and she had to provoke a more perverted woman like Yu Qingqian, who even he was willing to bow down to.

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