Nangongsu always knew that Gongzhi Lanyi loved herself and wanted to marry her without changing her original intention.

  At that time, he was disgusted with all the logical things, so he did not want to marry Gongzhi Lanyi according to the marriage contract between the two families.

   He chased after the woman, but his father and grandfather were furious because of this, and they kept sending people to capture him, more like eradicating the woman.

   One day the woman revealed that the lady of the Gongzhi family threatened her that she had to leave his side, otherwise she would be killed. This made him even get angry with Gongzhi Lanyi, believing that she was actually the kind of woman who did things in front of her and behind her back, and he didn't want to marry her.

   At that time, he felt that he had been trapped in the quagmire and could not extricate himself, and he was in so much pain that he did not know how to resolve it, so he became even more rebellious.

   In the end, he angered his father, and the gentle woman died because of him, just a month before the Nangong family and the Gongzhi family discussed their marriage.

   He couldn't help but feel guilty and hate, because he killed an innocent woman, who he thought was suitable to be his wife.

   So he married Gongzhi Lanyi according to the family arrangement, but he couldn't help but bring anger and revenge, so he did not touch her and deliberately alienated her.

After a quarrel with Gongzhi Lanyi, he left the Hou Mansion in anger, but accidentally met Nangong Yan's mother, and found that she looked like the woman who had been killed by him, so he made a condition to make the other party a foreigner. room.

  Nangongyan's mother knew his identity and did not refuse, so he asked for this woman with a kind of revenge on Gongzhi Lanyi that day.

   After he woke up the next day, he suddenly didn't know how to face Gongzhi Lanyi, so he avoided her even more.

   Later, Gongzhi Lanyi's temper was no longer as fierce as it used to be, and his temper was much calmer, and he rarely came to him again.

   A few years later, I got drunk one night, but my heart yearned for Gongzhi Lanyan so much that I couldn't help but went to the main courtyard and asked her for alcoholism.

   At that time, he was firmly in the position of the prince, and his temperament became much more mature and no longer rebellious. During this period, his relationship with Gongzhi Lanyi gradually became harmonious, and he was actually very happy when he found out that she was pregnant.

   But the paper couldn't keep the fire in the end, Nangong Yan's mother still planned to let Gongzhi Lanyi know that he raised the outer room and gave birth to two children, a boy and a girl.

  Gongzhi Lanyan's temperament is extremely proud, how can he endure such a thing, so he directly asked for a partial yard to live in, and never saw him again.

   He was furious, thinking of the words that Gongzhi Lanyi once announced overbearingly, so his rebellious mentality came up again, and he continuously favored several concubines originally prepared for him by the family.

He always thought that one day Gongzhi Lanyi would be like before, bright and arrogant and domineering to drive out all the women around him, but children were born one by one, he waited for Gongzhi Lanyi for a hundred years, but he never walked out of the yard again. half step.

   There was a planting prohibition at the gate of the yard, and no one except Nangong Bing could set foot there.

   Over the years, he has been very empty, and he has never touched the woman in the backyard again. He can't even tell whether he likes the dead gentle woman's feelings or not, and what kind of feelings he has for Gongzhi Lanyi.

   But he never thought of giving the throne to other heirs, the heir in his heart was determined from Nangong Bing's birth.

   It's just that he didn't dare to get close to their mother and son all these years. He was afraid of being ridiculed by Gongzhilan and refused to approach him.

   So he kept Nangong Bing indifferent, and inexplicably expected Gongzhi Lanyi to jump out of the yard and scold him, but he never did.

   From beginning to end, the other sons were just Nangongbing's whetstones for him, so the one who knew him best was Gongzhi Lanyi, the woman he was about to lose.

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