Mother's words surprised the senior management of the Nangong family and several other families present.

   I really can't guess what this mistress, who has not lived in for many years, wants to do, why she called the second lady at such a stall.

  Nangongsu just stared at the woman who hadn't looked at him from the beginning to the end. The woman who used to be as beautiful as a flower and as bright as a scorching sun has now become so elegant and tasteful.

   From the moment the elegant woman appeared, Huang Puyuan's eyes couldn't help but stick to her.

  The most proud and outstanding daughter of the Gongzhi family really can't hide her light even if she lives in the backyard for a hundred years.

   "Mother, please take a seat, you have something to do with the second lady?" The clan elder respectfully made a gesture of invitation to the woman.

   He knew that this mistress had nothing to do with the cowardice rumored outside.

   The so-called being trapped in the backyard for a hundred years by the second lady's plan to eat fast food and recite Buddha is not true at all. How could this person be the kind of temperament that is arbitrarily manipulated by women of a small clan, and it is only because she does not want to come out.

   But even he couldn't figure out why the mistress had to retreat in the backyard for a hundred years.

As soon as the    clan elder's voice fell, someone immediately moved a chair next to Nangong Su.

  Yu Qingqian looked at this and found that although the so-called second lady had been in power for a long time, most people recognized the eldest lady more.

   couldn't help but become curious about this cowardly and pitiful woman from outside. She didn't feel that the other party was cowardly and pitiful, on the contrary, she had a sense of existence.

  Gongzhilan always had a faint smile on his face, "No need, I came here today just to say a few words and let everyone be a witness."

   Everyone present looked at her curiously, not knowing what she was going to say, she needed to witness in front of the royal family and the other three families.

  Yu Qingqian had some vague guesses, this woman should want to cut off the past.

  Gongzhi Lanyan took out an animal skin and a jade bracelet with a stream of light, "This is the marriage contract between the Nangong family and Gongzhi's family, and the engagement token of Nangong Su and I."

   "After ten years of cultivation, we can cross the boat together, and after a hundred years of cultivation, we can sleep together. I have waited for a hundred years to finally find an answer. Not all the love in the world will blossom and bear fruit."

Gongzhi Lanyan set her eyes on Nangong Su for the first time, and said resolutely: "You used to be unwilling to obey the family's arrangement and marry me, and the childhood sweethearts for many years made me think that I could warm your heart. But I was wrong. , as long as your heart is hardened, it can be as hard as iron and as cold as a glacier, how can you be so hot?"

  Gongzhilan's face did not show any bitter and sad expression, but it completely interprets a woman's burning love and final despair when she poured all her feelings into a man since she was a little girl.

   "Whether you believe it or not, I never touched your so-called beauty before we got married, and I have no intention of removing her, because I was the last person to know from beginning to end."

This is the pride of the most outstanding daughter-in-law of the Gongzhi family. She disdains to use conspiracies to get rid of other women. If she had known the existence of that woman before getting married, no matter how much she loved her, she would have given up this one who occupied the best time of her life. man.

   "It's my fault to make you reluctantly get married with me, even though the Gongzhi family and I have never forced you to do anything, let you be so wronged and marry me."

"The mistake I made a hundred years ago will let me draw a final point today. I will return your freedom to Nangong Su. From then on, the marriage between men and women has nothing to do with each other. Everything in the past is like smoke. If we meet again, we will be strangers. ."

  Gongzhilan's palm had a cluster of flirtatious orange flames, and the animal skin engagement and love bracelet in her hands instantly turned to ashes and the dust drifted away in the wind, as if verifying that everything in her mouth was like smoke.

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