Nangong Bing didn't look up at Nangong Yan at this time, and he didn't care about the other party's various displays of pride.

   He just felt like he was suddenly in an ice cave, and he was naked and cold without a trace of warmth.

   The hands in the sleeves were tightly clenched into fists, and the blue veins were drawn out, and a rare resentment appeared in my heart.

   What he resented was not that he had not successfully won the throne this time, but that he resented why his father was so biased.

  Nangongbing wanted to compete for the throne of the prince, not only because of his personal affairs with his biological father, but also because he really loved life in the military and had a heart to protect the human race.

   But Nangong Yan wanted to win the throne just for the sake of power and profit.

   Aside from the grievances of the past, Nangong Bing believes that Nangong Yan is really not suitable to be the heir of the Zhenguohou Mansion, because Nangong Yan does not have the heart to fight for the Nangong family and the human race.

   It was more acceptable to Nangong Bing to replace it with the other two brothers who were also living in a lively barracks and wanted to defend the territory for the human race.

   But this person is Nangong Yan, an enemy who was not used to seeing him since childhood, and not a qualified heir.

   Nangong Bing always knew that his father was partial, but he still thought that the other party was rational and would not change the iron-blooded God of War because of personal feelings.

   But he never imagined that this man could be so biased. Could it be because of the outer chamber that he didn't even care about the future of the Hou Mansion?

  Nangong Bing took a long time to expel the coldness in his heart and calm down.

   He walked in front of Nangong Su without hesitation, staring at his father with a terrifying calm.

   Everyone present looked at Nangong Bing inexplicably, not knowing what he was going to do to Lord Hou.

   "You spent a lot of effort in the vote cast by the elder Taishang." Nangong Bing's tone was affirming and sarcastic.

  Nangongsu took a sip from the teacup before looking up at his own son-in-law, and replied lightly, "Yes, I persuaded them."

   The elders of the Nangong family were shocked again, and they all had an idea in their hearts at the same time, the owner of the family was so partial, the second lady didn't know how much ecstasy she gave him, and how much pillow wind was blowing.

  The vast majority of the elders of the Nangong family are very old-fashioned and have always supported orthodoxy.

   Therefore, the second lady forced the eldest lady to eat fast and recite Buddha for many years without leaving the hospital, and took control of the mistress of the Hou residence. Although they disagreed in their hearts, they could only acquiesce because of the Hou Ye.

   But I never thought that Hou Ye would persuade the ancestors to change their minds and support Nangong Yan for the sake of Nangong Yan's mother and son.

  Their princes have always been rational and calm, but there is a day when they are selfish for the beauties, and they don't know how to express their feelings.

   Those who originally supported Nangong Yan were secretly delighted, as long as Nangong Yan always had the support of Lord Hou, He Chou would not be able to become the prince.

  Nangong Su still didn't have too much expression, looked at Nangong Bing and asked, "Do you have anything else?"

Questions like    are not like the atmosphere that a father and son should have, but more like a subordinate relationship.

   The sarcastic arc on Nangong Bing's lips was deeper, others didn't know it, but he knew it best.

   Their father and son have always gotten along like this. His good father just regarded him as a subordinate, and Nangong Yan was his son.

"there is none left."

  Nangong Bing had a lot of thoughts, but in the end he didn't want to endure it any more.

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