The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2613: The murkier the water, the better

   The reason why Luan Xin was spitting up blood in anger was entirely due to the blow that made it worse.

   She was fought by Yu Qingqian's calculations and the Snake King. Although she managed to escape from the Snake King's claws, she was seriously injured.

   Being humiliated and injured, Luan Xin, who was already arrogant and arrogant, couldn't stand it.

   Now I didn't expect that the Luan family's bank in Nangu City was looted again, and the bruised blood on her chest could no longer be spit out.

   Seeing Luan Xin vomiting blood, the people present booed endlessly. This woman also has today!

  The members of the Luan family couldn't care less about scolding Luan Xin at this time, and their faces were dark and heavy.

  After the bank in the central city was looted, they had already deployed more stringent guards in the other four cities, but they still ended up with one result.

   Who are those who robbed? Why is it so presumptuous and blatant, it doesn't look like the enemy of the Luan family!

  Huang Puyuan and the others were also amazed. They did not expect that the Luan family bank, which had been heavily defended, would be robbed again.

   Many senior clan leaders couldn't help but gloated in their hearts.

  Since Luan Xin took the seat of the head of the Luan family, Sheng Shi had a posture of dragging him to the sky, and now he has finally received his retribution.

  The senior officials of Xuanyuan's family and Gongzhi's family even laughed in their hearts, secretly praising those mysterious people for robbing them!

The reason why the Luan family has today's status is entirely due to its extremely strong financial resources. If those people **** the Luan family's bank, the Luan family will inevitably fall into crisis. They can also take advantage of the situation to suppress the arrogant Luan family for a long time. Even annex some sites.

   Huang Puyuan was more afraid of the three families than he was of the Marquis of Zhenguo. Although he wanted to suppress the Luan family, he didn't want to destroy the three-legged situation and let the other two dominate.

   "How could this be? Those mysterious people are too arrogant."

  Huang Puyuan immediately gave an order, "Announce my will, let the Royal Dark Guard dispatch to track down the robbers, and make sure to catch them."

   That group of mysterious people dared to rob the Luan family bank so blatantly that he had to guard against it. It would be troublesome to not hit the royal family with his idea at that time. He couldn't let such hidden dangers remain.

   "Yes, my subordinates obey!"

   Everyone was shocked when they heard that Huang Puyuan was going to mobilize the most elite royal guards of the royal family, and they understood Huang Puyuan's thoughts after thinking about it.

  While gloating at the misfortune, the senior leaders of the major families present were also a little wary and worried, and could not help but wonder whether such mysterious forces were only targeting the Luan family for money, or the entire Central City or the human race.

   "Your Majesty, could this matter be done by the Sea Clan or the Soul Clan?" an aristocratic family executive couldn't help but say.

   "Yeah! To achieve such a mysterious and silent disappearance, I'm afraid that only people with special abilities from the two races can do it." Others echoed.

   "If the soul clan or the sea clan did it, then they are too deceiving."

   "Your Majesty, we have to guard against the Sea Clan and Soul Clan!"

   The three of Yu Qingqian did not expect that this robbery by the fat cats would be elevated by these high-level families into a struggle between ethnic groups, but of course they were willing to be misled. The more muddy the water, the better.

Luan Xin took a deep breath, reached out and wiped the blood on her lips, "Let me find out who is behind it, whether it's the sea clan, the soul clan or the human clan, I will definitely make them pay to provoke my Luan family. Huge price."

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