The three of them were impatient to deal with those, so most of the people who greeted them were rather cold.

  Yu Qingqian sat next to Nangongbing and said through a voice transmission, "The Luan family supports Nangongyan, and both Gongzhi and Xuanyuan's family support you?"

   "The Gongzhi family is my mother clan, and most people support me. The Xuanyuan family, led by Xuanyuanlan, also supports me." Nangong Bing replied truthfully.

   Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows, "That means there are still some people in your mother family who don't support you, and the Xuanyuan family too?"

   "Yes, you also know about Han Yu's situation. Some people in the Gongzhi family used his leg problems to oppose him becoming the heir, and there was a lot of calls for his cousin to be the heir."

"But after all, it's my mother's clan, and my uncle is the head of the family. Even if they cooperated with Nangong Yan in private, they didn't participate in the other party's team, but they may stumble upon us in the hunting conference. Don't worry, just go straight Packed up."

Nangong Bing continued: "Xuanyuanlan also took the position of the young master after overcoming thorns and thorns. His stepmother's son always wanted to pull him off the horse. ."

"There are quite a few of you aristocratic families, and there are quite a few people who are concerned about the position of the prince, Huang Puxiao." Yu Qingqian knew that the backyard of these aristocratic families was a place for women to intrigue, and the men in the front yard also Not much more.

  Nangong Bing smiled bitterly: "No way, sometimes you don't want to get involved, otherwise we will be marginalized or dead, and it will also affect those who support us."

   "The royal family is indeed not very peaceful. The third prince has always coveted the throne of the crown prince. This time he is also a member of Nangong Yan's team." He added.

   "So that's the case, do these people need to be eliminated by this hunting meeting?" Yu Qingqian pursed the corners of his mouth, not knowing why the anger in his heart gradually rose, and he wanted to kill.

  Nangong Bing gave Yu Qingqian a surprised look, not expecting her to have such a bold idea.

   "It can't be killed, otherwise the three clans won't let it go. Since they dare to grab the heir's position, there is always the support of the top family members behind them." Nangong Bing thought for a while and said.

  Yu Qingqian suppressed the anger in his heart and pouted, "It's really boring."

   "It can't be killed, how about maiming it?" Why did she want to kill so much?

  Nangong Bing couldn't help but want to hold his forehead, this big devil is really too demonic, "If you don't know it, it's fine, but don't leave any clues or evidence."

   Of course, he also hoped that some of Nangong Yan's team would be abolished, so that not only did he solve the hidden danger himself, but also his friends could save a lot of worry.

   "Okay, I'll figure it out." Yu Qingqian licked the corner of his lips, killing intent filled.

   "..." Nangong Bing twitched the corners of her mouth, she really had the idea of ​​crippling people!

   "If there is anything you need to cover, just say." Nangong Bing's temperament was very stable and reserved, but under the leadership of Yu Qingqian, she couldn't help but start moving.

   "Okay!" Yu Qingqian chuckled and asked: "You said just now that at least one third of the team will help Nangong Yan to stop us after the hunting event starts, so do you have any other teams to help?"

   "Of course there are. I also have more than one-third of the team to help, but the number is less than that of Nangong Yan."

   "After all, I lost once in the test before, and Nangong Yan has Luan Xin, a powerhouse in the Nirvana Realm, to help. In the eyes of others, there is a great hope of winning." Nangong Bing said helplessly.

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