The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2572: Ground breaking on Tai Sui's head

   The bank of the Luan family in the central city has never been robbed. Luan Xin can't imagine who is so bold.

  Nangong Yan also showed a look of disbelief, how is this possible?

   Now Dabaiqingtian is still the imperial capital in the central city, how could such a thing happen?

   "Are you sure it's true?" Luan Xin asked with a deep frown.

  The personal guard thought it was a fantasy when he heard about it at first, but the news that came later made him have to believe it.

   "My subordinates have confirmed it, and it is absolutely true."

  Luan Xin did not speak any more, and disappeared into the room as an afterimage.

  Nangong Yan was also eager to confirm the authenticity and the whole story, so he also quickly disappeared from the room.

   Soon, Luan Xin came to the Luan family's largest bank in the central city.

   At this time, the gate of the bank was full of people. The Luan family's personal guards and royal guards came in and out, and they also dispatched a lot of monsters that were only used for tracking.

  Luan Xin saw this scene and affirmed the authenticity of the news, and quickly pushed through the crowd and walked in.

   As soon as he saw Luan Xin, the manager of the Qianzhuang rushed over to kneel on the ground as if he had seen a savior.

   "Patriarch, Patriarch, our bank has been looted!"

  Luanxin frowned deeper, "Tell me what happened."

"Nearly half an hour ago, suddenly a group of people wearing masks rushed into the bank, led by two people who had cultivated in the Nirvana realm, they came in and said robbery, let us hand over all the spirits and spirits of the bank. ."

   The shopkeeper said with lingering fear: "Some people resisted and were directly killed by them on the spot. When they came in, it was when we switched defenses, so the planting ban has not been restarted."

   "Then they rushed directly into the purse, ransacked everything in it, and walked away." In addition to feeling unreal, the shopkeeper wanted to cry.

   They are provoking someone to provoke someone, and someone is so bold and dare to rob the Luan family's bank.

   "Did you inform the Royal Guard that the entire city is under martial law to hunt down?" Luan Xin was furious and wanted to start a killing spree.

   She never imagined that someone would dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, and blatantly grabbed her Luan family's bank, which was a slap in the face.

   "It has been notified that the Royal Guard and the Luan family's personal guards have launched a full-scale pursuit."

The shopkeeper knew that the patriarch was ruthless, and the superior also killed many family members with his ruthless behavior, so he immediately replied: "I notified the royal guard guarding the city gate as soon as I was robbed and told them not to Let anyone out of town."

  Luan Xin was a little relieved when she heard the shopkeeper's plan. As long as the robbers were still in the city, they would not be able to escape the pursuit of the Luan family and the royal family.

   Luanxin's eyes had a more sinister look. When she caught the robbers, she must skin them and cramp them, and hang their corpses on the city wall to show everyone, who would dare to offend the majesty of the Luan family.

   "It's still a decent job." Luan Xin snorted coldly and looked down at the shopkeeper, "Why are you kneeling here? Why don't you help the Guards catch the robbers?"

   "Yes, yes, the subordinates will go now!" The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily the owner of the family didn't start killing people, otherwise he would be dead today.

After the shopkeeper left, Luan Xin went to two other money houses to investigate.

  Nangong Yan was still a little dazed when he saw that the Luan's bank was looted, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head.

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