Nangongbing didn't expect Yu Qingqian to be so smart, and he could guess it as soon as he said it. No wonder Huang Puxi kept talking about the greatness of the Great Demon King in this regard.

   He didn't shy away from concealing it, "Yes, he is very strong. If he is willing to participate, it is naturally the best. If he is not willing, I don't want to force it. We will find another person to fill the position."

   But looking at it, it is the most suitable person.

  Shi Xi is now Yu Qingqian's guard, she can still make decisions on his behalf, "No problem, then the three of us will participate."

  Yu Qingqian found that Nangong Bing and Huang Puxiao had good eyesight. Although Shi Xi was a bit sloppy, he was absolutely reliable in terms of strength.

  Nangong Bing and Huang Puxiao agreed without much hesitation, they couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief at the same time.

   Judging from the information of the two people from the abyss and hell, and the fact that the two of them were able to come to the Zhongtian realm without taking the extraterritorial flying boat, the addition of the three people is definitely more powerful, and their odds of winning are a bit higher.

   "Thank you both for your help. If I can win this time, I will honor the remuneration conditions I agreed upon." The smile on Nangong Bing's face deepened.

   "Okay, no matter what, we also hope that you can successfully ascend to the position of the heir to the Hou Mansion." Feng Chen said with a smile.

  Although it was a bit grim, but fortunately, the previous test was a loss and a draw, and now the situation can be regained.

  Feng Chen, led by Yu Qingqian over the years, also likes to challenge difficult and exciting things.

   A few people then chatted and drank, Huang Puxiao took the two to have fun again, and the two were sent back to the other courtyard by Huang Puxi.

   Of course, it was nothing more than some gambling games that brought the two of them to play, and they didn’t go to play those unsuitable for children.

   After returning to the other courtyard, Yu Qingqian called the group over and recounted what happened today.

  Shi Xi didn't care, but felt inexplicably good because Yu Qingqian counted him in.

  Because we are going to participate in the royal hunting event next month, the establishment of the power shop will also be postponed.

   After all, whether Nangongbing can sit on the throne of the prince is still very critical to their starting career.

   Today, Feng Chen also briefly mentioned Huang Puxiao, Huang Puxiao expressed interest in his response, and several people agreed to discuss it in depth after the matter of the heir was settled.

After    finished speaking, Yu Qingqian looked at Kong Yi and asked, "Sister-in-law, hasn't Yin Yin left the customs yet?"

After    came to the Zhongtian Realm, Ling Yinyin's special bloodline power was completely activated, so she began to retreat as soon as she arrived at the other courtyard.

  Sora smiled and replied, "I haven't exited yet, it may take a while."

   Yu Qingqian is usually very busy and cannot take care of Ling Yinyin all the time.

  Because of the loss of her father, Ling Yinyin became a lot quieter, so Souichi took on the role of her sister and often cared and comforted her. The relationship between the two is now very good.

   The group had almost finished talking and were about to leave, but who knew that two messengers flew into the yard one after another.

   In the hands of Feng Chen and Shi Xi respectively, the two of them unanimously agreed and looked up at each other before reading the content of the summons.

After reading it, Shi Xi frowned and said to Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, "I received news from the abyss spy in Central City, Luan Xin and Nangong Yan seem to have reached some kind of cooperation in private, and it will be detrimental to both of you. ."

   Feng Chen destroyed the communication in his hand, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "They cooperated to find an opportunity to kidnap us."

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