As a popular candidate for the heir of the Marquis of Zhenguo Mansion, it is very high for Nangongbing to give such cooperation conditions.

  The support of the royal family and the public rulers is not unconditional, and he also needs to pay a price.

   "Okay, we should accept the cooperation proposed by Brother Nangong." Feng Chen nodded and said.

  Nangongbing is so sincere, they don't need to take Joe, everyone can build a more stable cooperative relationship if they are sincere.

  Nangongbing wants to use their power to compete for the position of the prince, so why don't they need to use Nangongbing's background forces to better survive in the Zhongtian realm and develop their own power.

   Although Feng Chen has the Cloud Clan as a huge backup, he cannot reveal the identity of the Young Master of the Cloud Clan unless it is necessary.

  Nangongbing had expected that Yu Qingqian and the two would agree to cooperate, but he was relieved to hear Feng Chen's affirmative answer.

   The next few people sat and drank tea and chatted like friends.

   Before leaving, Nangong Bingxiang asked: "Brother Feng, Qingqian, my friend Huang Puxiao wants to find a chance to meet the two of you. I wonder if you two are interested?"

   "Since you are Brother Nangong's friend, you should meet him." Feng Chen chuckled and nodded.

   Feng Chen used to be the crown prince, and he was also the young master of the Feng family, but his temperament was relatively deserted, but his communication skills were actually very strong.

   "Then find a time for us to come out and sit down." Nangong Bing stood up and said with a smile, "I'll say goodbye today!"

   "Okay! Brother Nangong, please!" Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian got up and sent Nangong Bing out of the courtyard.

After returning to the room, Shi Xi said, "This Nangong Bing's temperament is not annoying, and that Nangong Yan is not liked."

   "Have you met Nangong Yan?" Yu Qingqian asked in surprise.

   "I went out yesterday and happened to meet Nangong Yan and the third prince. One of them is a smiling tiger and the other is a self-proclaimed extraordinary person." Shi Xi dislikes people who are more extraordinary than him.

   "I don't like smiling tigers either!" Yu Qingqian rarely agreed with Shi Xi's point of view.

   On this day, Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian invited others to visit the Central City together. From the prosperous and lively level of this city, it can be seen that it has a heritage and taste that cannot be compared with the oldest city in the Lower Heaven Realm.

   The cultivation level of the people in the Heavenly Realm is stronger than that of the Heavenly Realm, and the aura around them is more abundant and majestic, but it is still much worse than the abyss and hell.

   The passers-by walking on the streets are in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, even if they are high-level cultivators, and those who have cultivated in the Heling Realm and Nirvana Realm are rarely seen.

   When the group walked into the door of a restaurant, a female voice sounded from behind, as if with a bit of surprise.

   "Feng Shao, Miss Yu!"

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen knew who it was without looking at the voice, and invariably frowned.

   Feng Chen turned around in a very detached and indifferent manner and did not speak, exuding a chill all over his body.

  Yu Qingqian turned around and smiled slightly. The smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, and there was even a bright dislike, "Miss Luan!"

  Luan Xinyi is as flamboyant and flamboyant as she has seen before, and even more of a superior temperament than when she was in the abyss and hell.

   Next to her was a handsome and tall man, who gave off a sense of suaveness, with a proper gentle smile on his face.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen didn't need to ask, they guessed each other's identity at a glance.

   This kind of temperament and smile is possessed by Smiley Tiger at first glance, except for Nangong Yan, who is also famous in Central City.

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