Shi Xi reacted, and it seems that Yu Qingqian's thinking mode makes sense.

   "Of course not. All intelligence organizations sell information collected on records, and it is even more impossible to help anyone find someone, or deliberately search for this kind of clue information."

   If you specifically sell information that the intelligence organization does not have, because it is special, it can gradually be known, attracting more people's attention to come to buy the information and information that the big forces or underground organizations do not have.

  Yu Qingqian knew that Shi Xi was very smart, and when he saw what he said, he understood that he had turned a corner.

   "That's not it, we can use our own advantages to find clues to find people and things. At present, we only accept the information that needs to be checked within the agreed time."

"Of course, the first thing to do is to sell our reputation first, and opening a store is the best choice. We can also hold a few auctions ourselves on a regular basis. After others are familiar with our store, we will disclose the business that also does intelligence tasks. ."

   "It's not just an intelligence organization, we can actually take on missions other than killing people, and intelligence can also be accumulated slowly by taking over missions." Yu Qingqian added.

  Sheng Moran has always been fond of her younger sister Boundless, and was the first to agree: "I think it's feasible."

  Lin Mingze is a corpse refiner, so he is not very interested in this kind of business, but he will agree with what Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen do, "I also think it is possible."

   Immediately, except for Yu Jing and Lou Qingqing, who were out to play, everyone in the room made a statement, and no one objected.

   "If everyone agrees, let's start preparing now."

Yu Qingqian added tea to everyone, "Nangongbing and the prince have a good personal relationship, we still need to use him to catch up with the prince, otherwise if we want to open a prosperous store in the central city without the background, we will be punished. to the exclusion and suppression of other forces, big and small.”

   "Helping Nangong Bing on the throne is the best opportunity, and it can also weaken the Luan family by the way." Feng Chen did not forget to vent his anger for his younger brother.

   "Okay, if you need to use the power of the abyss, just say it. Now we are a grasshopper on a line, and I will not fail." Shi Xi thought for a while and said with a little arrogance.

   Yu Qingqian didn't mock him this time, "Of course."

   "You're really rude." Shi Xi rolled her eyes at her, but she was in a good mood this time.

   A few people gathered around to discuss the name of the shop, and finally named it "the first village", which means why it is the first.

   As for why it was designated as "Village", it was because Yu Qingqian wanted to build a villa of his own in the central city, specifically to house the dark plants and make it their base camp.

  Three days later, Nangongbing came to visit again.

   This time, Feng Li and others did not evade, and entertained Nangong Bing and Huang Puxi together.

  Nangong Bing put the finished token on the table, "Miss Yu, Feng Shao, this is your identity token, and you have made your identity according to your requirements."

   In fact, Nangong Bing also thinks that there is no need to fabricate fake identities alone. The names of the Great Demon King and Feng Chen already have a certain popularity in the Zhongtian Realm, so there is no need to keep their names incognito.

  Zhongtian has a vast territory and a lot of resources, but it is not easy to get a piece of the pie. At first, it should not be too high-profile, but if it is too low-key, it will be overwhelmed by other forces or people.

   Feng Chen put away the token on the table, "Thank you, Young Master Nangong for your trouble."

   "Young Master Feng is very polite, if you don't dislike our name, you can stop being so outspoken." Nangong Bing's words revealed that he wanted to make good friends.

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