Yu Qingqian was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect that there would be such a woman in the central city who was more reckless than a man.

   Suddenly thought of a possibility, she asked: "Does that woman have a red mole on her lips, giving people a very gorgeous and unrestrained feeling."

  Sheng Moran replied in surprise: "How does Xiaoqian know?"

   Yu Qing's face darkened, "As I guessed, that person is Luan Xin, the head of the Luan family."

   When Luan Xin brought people to visit in the abyss and **** last time, Sheng Moran and several people were not there, so they did not see Luan Xin herself.

   Feng Chen exuded a cold air, "Shameless!"

  How could that woman be so shameless, to actually insult his brother in a place like a restaurant.

  Sheng Moran didn't expect that the woman was the head of the Luan family.

   "No wonder she is so strong. If Shi Xi hadn't shot, Feng Li would have been kidnapped by her." Sheng Moran said with lingering fears.

  Luanxin is a Nirvana Realm cultivation base, and his strength is still very strong. He and Feng Li are not against each other.

   Fortunately, Shi Xi was bored and went out with them today, otherwise Feng Li would be snatched by that woman, and his innocence would not be guaranteed.

   "I just made it easy." Shi Xi knew that if he was there but didn't act, and let Feng Lizhen fall asleep by that woman, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen would definitely anger him.

   Of course, he is also very unaccustomed to that woman's behavior. The most unrestrained woman in the abyss is not as slutty as that woman.

   "Thank you, I owe you a favor!" Feng Chen raised his head and said to Shi Xi.

   But she couldn't help but feel a killing intent in her heart, Luan Xin dared to hit Feng Li with her mind, and completely stepped on his scales.

  Shi Xi always knew that Feng Chen attached great importance to protecting Feng Li's younger brother, but he didn't expect that he could change his personality with one shot, "Okay!"

  Feng Chen's favors are not for nothing.

   "By the way, although that woman is a bit lustful and shameless, her strength is really strong. I vaguely found that there is a strong man in the Eternal Realm beside her who is secretly protecting her, and her status in the Luan family is definitely high and stable."

Shi Xi paused and reminded: "I think she is very interested in Feng Li. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Nangong Bing and the prince, I completely doubt that she would let the eternal **** emperor take Feng Li away. But I think She won't give up either, Feng Li should stay out of the house recently."

   "Didn't you say before that Luan Xin was interested in Feng Chen? Why is Feng Li being indecent now?" Lin Mingze, who happened to walk into the courtyard, heard a few people's words and said in surprise.

   His words made Feng Chen's body even more air-conditioned, if it weren't for his calm temper, he might have been unable to resist killing Luan's house.

   Yu Qingqian frowned, "Is Luan Xin really the emperor?"

  The Luan family is a top-level family in Central City, and there are more than one or two Eternal Realm powerhouses in charge. If they kill them because of this, they are afraid that they will be defeated, but they can't swallow this breath.

   "This matter must be revenge." Yu Qingqian had long regarded Feng Li as his relative, and she was also very upset when he was molested.

   If you meet someone who Feng Li likes and be kissed, that's fine. Being molested by a woman like Luan Xin who has been in the thicket of thousands of leaves has a kind of disgust like swallowing a fly.

  Fengchen squeezed the teacup in his hand into powder, "Didn't Luan Xin want Nangong Yan to be the heir? I don't want her."

   Going to beat Luan Xin can't relieve her anger, it is better to let the other party lose a little bit to get revenge.

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