Nangongbing felt an indescribable shock in his heart. Are the people who asked Huang Puxi to speak to him really Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen?

   But in the passage of the two domains, the flying boats outside the domain will encounter inexplicable dangers. How do those people avoid the discomfort of the space passage and how to avoid the space storm?

  Nangong Bing was puzzled, he really couldn't figure out how they escaped from the Bat King if it was Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen.

  Huang Puxi carefully looked at Nangong Bing, who had a thoughtful and even a little shocked expression on his face, and asked tentatively, "Brother Nangong, do you really know those two seniors?"

  Nangong Bing returned to his senses and asked, "What kind of cultivation are they? Are there other people around?"

   "The two seniors are in the spirit realm, and there are indeed a few people around." Huang Puxi nodded.

  Nangong Bing thought for a while and then asked, "Is the man surnamed Feng dressed in white and has a cold temperament, and there is a man in red who looks very similar to him."

   Huang Puxi didn't expect Nangong Bing to even know this, "Yes, they seem to be twin brothers."

   "It's actually them." Nangong Bing's expression became abnormal, and he held the cup in his hand tightly.

   It was the first time that Huang Puxiao had seen him so unsteady. He asked with a light smile, "What is the origin of this Miss Yu and Young Master Feng? It made you lose your temper like this."

  Nangong Bing put down the cup in his hand and regained his former calm, "Actually, you should have known it."

   Huang Puxiao raised his eyebrows: "Should I know?"

   In his memory, he really couldn't find any woman surnamed Yu and man surnamed Feng.

   "The woman is called Yu Qingqian. She is known as the Great Demon King in the Lower Heaven Realm. She is famous for her ability to improve her talent and destroy the fifth city lord in the abyss."

   "By the way, she has been favored by several top eternal **** emperors in the abyss and hell, among which the king of dark planting is the most important."

"The other is naturally her husband Fengchen. I believe you are familiar with the news that kept coming out more than ten years ago. He is the first genius forging master who has re-forged and refined artifacts in hundreds of thousands of years." Nangong Bing breathed a sigh of relief. Spread the identities of the two.

   Huang Puxiao's careless eyes narrowed, "What? It's actually the two of them."

   "How did you know them both?" This is what Huang Puxiao was very puzzled about.

  Nangong Bing did not hide his friends, and repeated what happened in the two-domain space channel.

   Huang Puxiao showed disbelief in his eyes, "How is it possible? Even the Eternal God Emperor will not go through the two-domain space passage alone. How did they come to the Middle Heaven Realm only with the cultivation of the Spiritual Realm?"

   He had been to the Heaven Realm once in an extraterritorial flying boat, and he had truly experienced the great danger contained in the space passage between the two domains. How did those people without extraterritorial flying boats come here?

   Not to mention, there is a red-blooded bat comparable to the Eternal Realm chasing, how did they escape?

   "Yeah! I don't think it's possible, but if what Xiao Jiu said is true, then it must be them." Nangong Bing gave a wry smile.

   He had actually guessed the reason why Yu Qingqian wanted to find him through Huang Puxi, probably to refund the cost of the extraterritorial flying boat as promised.

   It's just that he has already handed over the spirit essence to the family, so what will he use to pay back the great devil Yu Qingqian?

   But since you promised Yu Qingqian, you have to pay it back anyway!

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