At the invitation of Huang Puxi, the group went to his courtyard.

   Huang Puxi's other courtyard is located in a relatively quiet alley in the center of the imperial capital. The decoration of the courtyard is also elegant and ancient. Yu Qingqian and a few people like it.

   "Several seniors, I'm going back to the palace for a few days. You can walk around in the central city at will recently. If you need to check the identity token, you can use this token and report my identity to deal with it."

   He handed Yu Qingqian a jade pendant with a transparent emerald green, with the word "Jiu" engraved on it.

  Huang Puxi pointed to a handsome and gentle man behind him and said, "His name is Yun Qiu, he is my housekeeper. He has been living here before. If there is anything you need, just tell him."

   "I've seen a few seniors!" Yun Qiu said to them with a smile like a spring breeze: "If you have something to do, please do your best."

   "Butler Yun is very kind, we must have something to trouble you in the future." Yu Qing smiled lightly.

   Immediately she asked Huang Puxi: "Ninth Prince, I wonder when you will help us connect with Nangong Bing?"

   "Senior and Big Brother Nangong know each other, is there any token or something? If there is, I will be more confident to call him out." Huang Puxi asked tentatively.

  Yu Qingqian thought for a while and said, "I don't have the token on me, but you have to tell him that a woman surnamed Yu and a man surnamed Feng are looking for him, and he should understand."

  Huang Puxi nodded: "Okay, I have written it down, I will vent it to Brother Nangong as soon as possible, and I will tell the seniors as soon as there is news."

   "Okay, trouble the ninth prince." Yu Qing said politely.

   "Senior, you're welcome, then I'll take the first step. If you have something to do, you can call me." The Ninth Prince said with a smile.

   He will also go back to the palace to tell his elder brother that Nangongyu framed and murdered him, and prepares to fight back.

   "Okay, go and get busy first." Yu Qingqian could also guess what Nangong Xi was going to do.

   The group stayed in Huangpuxi's other courtyard, and did not go to the city that day.

   As night fell, Yu Qingqian took out the red-black ball of Soul Race that he had obtained before, and a figure shook outside the door.

  Yu Qingqian looked up in surprise, just as he was about to speak, he saw Feng Chen turned his head and said, "It should be one of his own."

   Feng Chen opened the door immediately, and Yu Qingqian tilted his head to see Yun Qiu standing at the door.

   "Come in!" Feng Chen put people in and closed the door, and arranged a layer of strict plant pattern defense.

   After Feng Chen turned around, Yun Qiu gave Feng Chen a big gift, "I have seen the young master!"

   "How did you recognize me?" Feng Chen walked over to Yu Qingqian and sat down, and said with a light smile, "Sit down."

   Yun Qiu was not restrained, walked to the seat opposite the two and sat down, "I was fortunate to have seen a portrait of the young master, and I reported the news that the young master sent before."

   "So it is." Feng Chen was more concerned about the next question, "Is there any news?"

Yun Qiu knew what Feng Chen was referring to, and replied respectfully, "The Yun Clan has two powerful fortune-tellers in the Central Heaven Realm, and they also know how to unravel spells. They have already been sent to Central City, and it will take about a month. time to arrive.”

   "Very good, sorry to trouble you!" Feng Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

   Yun Qiu chuckled, "You should do your best to accomplish what the young master ordered."

The young master of the Yun clan is not an inheritance system, but who has the purest blood of the Yun clan and who can open the Yun clan relics established by the ancestors in Xiatian territory. this person.

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