Shi Xi shrugged lazily after reading the information on the jade slip in his hand.

   "It is not difficult for us to pass through such a forest."

   "What do you say about the intelligence?" The intelligence information was collected by Shi Xi, and Yu Qingqian and others hadn't read it yet.

   Not only are there spies from the abyss in most of the cities in the Lower Heaven Realm, but also in the Middle Heaven Realm.

   Therefore, Shi Xi can come in handy, as long as he shows his identity, he can easily get the information to be collected from the spies in the abyss.

"Iron Bone Forest is a mountain range outside the central city used to train disciples and obtain medium and low-level resources. There are many monsters and demon plants in it, but the king with the highest cultivation level is only in the spirit world, so there is no threat to us in the slightest. "Shi Xi said indifferently.

   Hearing what Shi Xi said, Yu Qingqian and his party didn't take the Iron Bone Forest to heart.

   It’s just that there is a natural prohibition of flying in the air, so a group of people can only ride on the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

   A month later, the group arrived at the core area of ​​the Iron Bone Forest, also known as the most dangerous area.

   It's just that this kind of danger is nothing to them at all, and the so-called King of Warcraft and King Yaozhi can't escape when they find their breath.

   On this day, several people were resting beside a waterfall with a beautiful environment in the forest, eating the barbecue grilled by Fengli.

  Suddenly, a wave of breath came from far to near.

   After about a cup of tea, several young men and women ran out of the forest very embarrassed, chasing a group of long-haired wolves behind them.

   The Long-haired Wolf's cultivation base is the Earth Spirit Realm. Among the several young men and women, only one man wearing a gorgeous brocade robe is in the Earth Spirit Realm, and the others are in the Heaven Spirit Realm. It can be seen that they are disciples from a certain aristocratic family.

   "Help, help!"

   Seeing Yu Qingqian and his group sitting, the young men and women couldn't help but ran towards them, and one of them couldn't help shouting.

  Yu Qingqian gestured to the seahorse beast, "I'll leave it to you!"

  The seahorse beast ate the roasted meat in his hand, stood up and patted his clothes, and the breath of the heavenly spirit realm pressured out, instantly suppressing the group of long-haired wolves to the point where they trembled and collapsed to the ground.

With the help of Yu Qingqian and Lin Mingze, the    Seahorse Beast had already broken through to the Healing Spirit Realm a few years ago, but at this time the group was disguised as the Heavenly Spirit Realm, so he was not exposed.

   "Don't get out yet?" Seahorse beasts were too lazy to kill these long-haired wolves, they had already had enough to eat and drink.

   The long-haired wolf has acquired wisdom since he cultivated to the Earth Spirit Realm. Hearing his words, he quickly stood up and turned around and fled into the forest.

   Those young men and women stopped when they saw this, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

  The young man in a luxurious brocade robe quickly tidied up his clothes, took a few steps forward and said to the seahorse beast, "Thank you for your help, senior!"

  The seahorse beast said indifferently: "It's a small matter, let's go."

   If it wasn't for the Great Demon King's orders, he would be too lazy to meddle in business.

   "This, senior saved our lives, we can't repay our kindness but ask senior to give us a chance to repay our kindness." The young man thought for a while and said.

   His tone was not respectful, but he was not frivolous either. Obviously, he was used to seeing people who cultivated in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

  Yu Qingqian looked up at the young man with a half-smile and said, "I don't know if you want to repay your kindness? Or just to find a safe place to shelter temporarily."

   was exposed, the young man was only unnatural for a moment, without quibbling and then smiled bitterly, "This is all seen by the seniors."

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