The red arrows formed by one after another's mental power and soul power flew in the direction of the person who just replaced the Qingjiawei, and they were all stared at by the soul clan.

  The more powerful the soul, the more important it is for the soul clan.

   At this moment, Yu Qingqian can finally understand why the human race, the beast race and the demon race can coexist and cooperate.

   "Be careful, this red arrow mark is too weird." Feng Li released the corpse that the Dark God Emperor had transformed into, resisting the red arrow that was about to be ingested between his eyebrows.

  Others also used their mental power and soul power to condense into red arrows that defend or counterattack the opponent.

   The residents who live in the city are not the first to resist the soul clan, and they also have a lot of experience.

   However, in terms of mental power and soul power, the soul clan is far behind, so casualties gradually appeared.

   Of course, the soul clan also suffered casualties. The human clan, orc clan, and demon clan have been hostile to each other for many years, and there have been some methods of defense and shooting, such as the bows and arrows forged with special materials in the hands of Qingjiawei and Yinjiawei.

   Yu Qingqian and others did not perform well, and like many others, most of them focused on defense.

   But sometimes I want to keep a low profile, but the fact does not allow it.

   The few aliens who were riding on the mounts even locked Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen tightly with Chi Tong, and regarded them as a sumptuous and delicious dish.

   Yu Qingqian's two worlds had extremely powerful human souls, and Feng Chen's devouring the soul of the Dark God Emperor was equally strong.

   The spiritual power and soul power of the two are the strongest existences on the city walls, and the strong souls of the soul clan can smell the seductive breath of them from afar.

   Red arrows with more powerful breaths came straight towards Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen****, wanting to mark the two to tear their souls.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen not only have strong mental power, but also possess mental power, so they condense into two shields to block in front of the group.

  Yu Qingqian took out the purple longbow, pulled out a stream of turquoise arrows that flew out, and directly shot the aliens who were sitting on the mount behind with their soul power and wanted to mark them.

  In the past, arrows were formed by spiritual power. This time, Yu Qingqian replaced the spiritual power with spiritual power and soul power, and the effect was equally amazing.

  The purple arrow was sealed on the way to the Zhongtian Realm, and was re-forged and condensed into an artifact, with the addition of Mystic Silver Mine and several rare ores only available in the Fragment Star Belt, with great power.

  The alien race on the mount was shot directly through the body by the turquoise arrow, the body instantly melted into a pool of black mud, and then evaporated and disappeared.

   Immediately from the place where they disappeared, a small red-black bead will fall, exuding soul fluctuations.

  Yu Qing's shallow pupils flashed a layer of cyan, and condensed his mental power into a net to quickly net up the red-black beads on the ground.

With a wave of   , the small net formed by mental power returned to Yu Qingqian's hands with five small red-black beads.

   Such a scene not only shocked the soul clan, but the people on the city wall were also stunned for a moment. Obviously, they didn't expect the girl who appeared out of nowhere to be so powerful.

   Yu Qingqian played with the five red-black **** in his hand, and swept the soul clan below with a cold look, "If you want our lives, take your own life first."

   The red-black ball contains extremely strong soul power. If it absorbs and refines the soul power that can enhance itself, it seems that the needs are mutual, and the human race will definitely collect the soul ball formed after the death of the soul race.

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