Yu Qingqian saw the ten golden armored guards in Nirvana state surrounding the handsome man and guessed the identity of the other person, but he did not expect that it was the young master who had the right to inherit from the Marquis of Zhenguo Mansion.

  Zhenguohoufu, just hearing the name means extraordinary, and controls the extraterritorial flying boat between the two realms, it should be regarded as a behemoth in the power of the Zhongtian realm.

   "The more extraordinary his status, the better, which means that we will be able to get the soul back more smoothly." Yu Qingqian said lazily, rubbing his chin.

  Shi Xi was speechless to Yu Qingqian for always thinking about the spiritual marrow, "Why do you always focus on the spiritual marrow?"

   Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows, "Then what should I focus on?"

"The character of the leader of the Golden Armor is not bad. If we can compete for the position of heir, it will be more beneficial to us. I think we can help him by asking for the essence of spirit, so that he can successfully win the position of the heir. "Shi Xi thought further.

   Yu Qingqian sneered: "That's not about asking for spiritual essence, idiot!"

   Shi Xi didn't need to bring this up, they had already thought of it.

   In the past, in the lower realm and in the lower realm, they basically fought alone, but now the future enemies are too powerful, they not only need to build their own forces, but also have to learn to take advantage of the situation.

   It's like the master came out and destroyed the Tingyin Pavilion when he was in the lower heaven, but neither the upper level of the lower heaven nor the middle heaven dared to do anything, because the master was backed by the ancient family of the upper heaven.

  "..." Shi Xi's face darkened instantly, could this dead woman not choke him every time.

   "Qianqian, after a few more days of training, let's hurry to the central city." Feng Chen said while holding Yu Qingqian's hand.

   If you go to the central city, you may be able to find someone who can lift the spell. He always has a heart for the spell on Yu Qingqian.

   Yu Qingqian smiled sideways: "Okay!"

   She was weak for two or three days after each spell attack. In order not to worry everyone, she listened to them.

   Two days later, the effect of the spell on Yu Qingqian's body was minimal, and the group walked around the city first.

  Yu Qingqian sat in the restaurant, looking at the monsters and demon plants that came and went in the street, showing curiosity.

   "I didn't expect that the human race, orc race, and demon race in Zhongtian were mixed." In Xiatian, the three clans had their own territory, and they would fight from time to time, but here they live in peace.

Sheng Moran said with a smile, "I found out that there are not only humans, beasts, and monsters in the Zhongtian realm, but also other alien races, such as soul races, sea races, etc. The human race only occupies one-third of the site. Therefore, we have cooperated with the orcs and the demons to cooperate with the outside world, but there will be internal conflicts."

   "I can guess that the sea clan should be an alien race that lives in the sea, so what kind of alien race is the soul clan?" Yu Qingqian asked curiously.

Sheng Moran shook his head: "I heard the news that the soul clan is better at mental power and soul attack, and is extremely cruel by nature. ."

   "The Marquis of Zhenguo belongs to the military forces on the Terran side. The Marquis of Zhenguo controls the three major legions of the Terran and protects the safety of the Terran's territory." Feng Li added.

  Yu Qingqian played with the wine glass in his hand, "It seems that the relationship between the forces in the Central Heaven Realm is indeed quite complicated, but maybe we can fish in troubled waters."

  The monsters live under the eyes of the human race, so can she release the dark plants and live in a fair and honest way?

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