Next, Yu Qingqian asked the Lizard King to drink a bottle of the heavenly-grade potion he had refined, covering up the aura of space creatures on his body, and now he looked like a big human being.

   Yu Qingqian rushed to the city closest to the barren mountain with a group of people based on the smell of people detected by the fat cat.

   After sitting around for three days, Feng Chen and the others saw the shadow of the city under the afterglow.

   "This city doesn't look too small. We have finally arrived at Zhongtian Realm safely. There should be a healer in the city." Shi Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

  Feng Chen's eyes were dark and cold, and he held the unconscious Yu Qingqian, "Go ahead and find a place to stay."

  Feng Li looked worriedly at Yu Qingqian, who was pale and unconscious, "She's getting sick more and more frequently, so it's useless to find a therapist."

Ten years ago, since Yu Qingqian was attacked by the black and red ball of the Chikong Bat King, although he was not poisoned, he was hit by a spell that the Bat King used to pay homage to with blood essence, which made Yu Qingqian every so often. It happens once in time.

   Every time I have a spasm all over my body, the meridian and five internal organs are more like being stabbed by something. It was a little better at the beginning, and the attack time was longer.

   But recently, it will happen once in the first half of the year. People with strong willpower like her will faint from pain, which shows the power of that spell.

   This is a situation that no one thought of, and now everyone is feeling heavy.

   "She was poisoned, not poisoned. Unless the healer you find can remove the spell, it's useless." The Lizard King said with a sigh.

   The girl who was still alive and kicking a day ago, so unconscious and pale, he was anxious when he saw it.

   That smelly bat is really vicious, and it deserves to be skinned by cramps.

   Yu Jing stretched out his hand in distress to wipe off the fine sweat from Yu Qingqian's forehead, "Go and live in the city, and then ask around to see if there is anyone nearby who can lift the spell."

   No matter what the price is, you must first explain the spell for Yu Qing.

Under normal circumstances, most of the people who solve the spell are fortune-tellers, but the spells in Yu Qingqian are too advanced, and Long Shan is powerless. He can only find someone who is proficient in fortune-telling and whose cultivation is at least the peak of Nirvana or the Eternal God Emperor. .

   Yinlong is very proficient in divination, but his skills are still inferior, and he can't crack the spells on Yu Qingqian's body.

  The two of them practiced separately, and it wasn't that they didn't plan to help Yu Qingqian find a way to unlock the spell.

   The group quickly reached the gate of the city.

   There are many people coming and going at the gate of the city. It seems not only human races, but also people who have transformed into humanoids but exudes the breath of monsters and demon plants.

   This made the group a little surprised. It seems that the exchanges between Demon Beasts and Yaozhi have not attracted many people's attention. Obviously, this is a common phenomenon.

   The group was stopped by the guards when they reached the gate of the city.

   A guard said with a blank face: "Outsiders need to pay a thousand low-grade spiritual marrow each to enter the city."

   The aura of Feng Chen and his group had not yet fully merged with the Central Heaven Realm, so it could be seen at a glance that they were outsiders.

   The group would not have any opinion on this spiritual essence. Yu Jing handed over everyone's spiritual essence, and the guards let them in.

  After entering the city, everyone first found a quieter inn to stay.

  Fengchen was in charge of taking care of Yu Qingqian, while the others went to the city to inquire about news and see if they could hire a healer or a fortune teller who could unravel the spell.

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