On the flying boat outside the territory, a handsome man stood on the bow and looked into the distance.

  A golden armored guard came up and said respectfully, "Master, all the bats in the sky have been cleaned up, and all the poison sacs have been dug out. Can we close the top of the boat and continue on our way?"

  The handsome man was silent for a moment, "Wait until tomorrow."

   "Master, do you want to wait for Yu Qingqian's group?" The Jin Yiwei thought about it and asked.

  The handsome man nodded: "Yes, if they came back and we left, it would be too difficult for them to survive in this space."

   He admired Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen very much, and he also had some intention of wanting to befriend and win over.

"But young master, since they were pursued by the Bat King, the possibility of surviving is very small, but if we continue to stay and the Bat King chases back, the whole boat will be in danger again." Jin Jiawei persuaded. .

   He also has another purpose. If they leave Yu Qingqian and others behind, then negotiating the return of the flying boat beforehand will be void, and the young master will not cause controversy when he returns.

   But he doesn't think Yu Qingqian and the others are still alive.

  The handsome man didn't think about these aspects. After thinking about it, he would say, "Let's wait until tomorrow. If they don't come back tomorrow morning, we'll set off."

   "Master, but..."

   Jin Jiawei wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the handsome man, "Don't say more, just do it."

   "Yes!" Jin Jiawei could only nod helplessly.

  The other golden and silver armored guards on the flying boat were puzzled when they heard the handsome man's decision. They believed that Yu Qingqian would never escape the palm of the Bat King.

   But due to the strict discipline for a long time, no one raised any objections, and the order of the flying boat was maintained in an orderly manner.

  When people from Guangluan mainland heard about it, many people sneered, thinking that the handsome man thought too much.

  In their opinion, Yu Qingqian and others must have entered the Bat King's mouth long ago, but it's a pity that each of them was extorted by Yu Qingqian so much of the soul.

   Of course, there are also a small number of people who still hope that Yu Qingqian and others can come back. After all, they are from the same continent, and the two are just stars that have just risen. It is a pity to end in such a bleak way.

   Yu Qingqian and his group rushed towards the flying boat outside the territory, but they encountered a space storm on the way.

  The Lizard King transformed into his main body, protecting Yu Qingqian and others, but it couldn't move, otherwise it would also be injured by the turbulent turbulence of the space storm.

   is just familiar with the Fragmented Star Belt and can avoid these dangers in advance.

   By the time the space storm turbulence disappeared, it was already the next morning.

   Feng Chen frowned slightly, "After so long, the extraterritorial flying boat may have left."

  Yu Changfeng nodded: "If there is no accident, they should have left. It is very dangerous to stay in the broken star belt."

   "Let's go back and have a look first." Shi Xi didn't want to travel alone in this space, that was a proper act of courting death.

The group of    also hoped to return to the extraterritorial flying boat to hurry, so they accelerated the speed of the return journey.

   In the early morning of the next day, several Jinjia guards were urging the handsome man, and many people in the flying boat couldn't help urging.

  It is more dangerous to stay in the broken star belt for a moment.

  The handsome man looked at the sky and could only nod his head: "Okay, let's go."

   When Yu Qingqian and his party returned to their original place, they happened to pass by the flying boat outside the territory.

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