The black and red bead flew straight to Yu Qingqian, and a sense of crisis lingered in his heart.

"Bad woman, this is the ultimate move inspired by that stinky bat's blood essence, be careful!" Seeing this, Uncle Cat's pupils shrank, and he immediately grabbed the spirit of vegetation on Yu Qingqian's other shoulder. to the small tower space.

  Yu Qingqian knew that the crimson beads were dangerous, but even teleporting would be useless. She could only quickly condense the wood-based ability and the spiritual ability, and then form a double defense.

   Feng Chen also inspired the strongest defense to fall on Yu Qingqian's body at this time. He also felt the power of the black and red balls.

  Shi Xi, Yu Changfeng and the others did not hesitate, and threw their strongest defenses towards Yu Qingqian.

   After a few breaths of time, the black and red ball flew in front of Yu Qingqian, and then exploded with a brilliant light.

   Yu Qingqian was blasted far away by this force, and the layers of defenses on her body were shattered. It was not until the last layer of defense condensed by mental power was broken that her body stopped.

  Feng Chen dodged and hugged Yu Qingqian's body that was hit by the force, and the two of them landed heavily on the broken star belt not far from Bat King.

   "Pfft!!" The power of the black and red **** was weakened a lot by the layers of defense, but 20% still acted on Yu Qingqian's body. After falling to the ground, he couldn't help spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.

   There was also a trace of blood spilling from Feng Chen's lips, but he couldn't care about himself, he took Yu Qingqian into his arms and asked worriedly, "Qianqian, are you alright."

   He could feel that Yu Qingqian's breath had become much weaker at this time, causing serious injuries to his body.

  Yu Qingqian couldn't help but coughed for a while, and then replied weakly: "Sick beauty, I can't die!"

  Wood-type powers were revived in Dantian, and they wandered in Yu Qingqian's injured internal organs and meridians to repair and nourish.

   "But this time the injury is too serious, it will take at least several years to fully repair it."

  Yu Qingqian saw her ill beauty frowning anxiously, reached out and touched his face, "Don't worry, it's better than being killed directly!"

   "It seems that it is not easy to be a fisherman! The risk is so great." She couldn't help but sigh again.

   There's a price to pay to get that, and she's now a good example.

  "..." Shi Xi rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Come on, you're still thinking about the fisherman's profit, it's really hopeless!"

   However, the gloomy color in his eyes still revealed his concern and concern for Yu Qingqian.

  Yu Qingqian glanced at Shi Xi, "You are helpless, Crowzui!"

   "It's not that your life is not saved, it's that you have a pitiful temper." Shi Xi snorted and explained.

   "I know, I'm not as idiot as you!" Yu Qingqian's voice was even weaker, but he was still very mean when he scolded Shi Xi.

  Shi Xi took a deep breath. Seeing that the blood on Yu Qing's shallow lips was still overflowing, he threw his sleeves, "Good men don't fight with women, don't talk about it, heal your wounds first."

   Yu Qingqian was weakly nestled in Feng Chen's arms, his clone appeared not far away, and walked directly to the dying Bat King not far away.

  Bat King was very unwilling to see that Yu Qingqian was not dead. When he saw her clone appear, his eyes couldn't help but widen.

   "Cough cough! Damn girl, you still kept the avatar, and this king died without complaint!"

  The Bat King held his last breath, and said proudly with incomparable resentment: "But don't think about it better for your body, just wait! Haha!"

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