Yu Qingqian hugged Baofengchen back, and he was relieved in his heart.

   "I'm fine, the main body has led the Bat King to a site of the Lizard King. It just so happens that they are old enemies and they are fighting in full swing now."

   "Did your body also escape towards the flying boat outside the territory?" Feng Chen still asked with a bit of concern.

  Yu Qingqian shook his head: "No, my main body stayed there to watch a good show, and now my clone is going to ask you to go and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

   "If Bat King wins, then he will never let me go, so when they both lose, we will kill him to relieve our worries." She added.

   In addition to the escape space ability inspired by the spiritual power, Yu Qingqian also has a backhand against the Bat King.

  Feng Chen thought about it and felt that it made sense. As long as the Bat King is not dead and they are still in the Fragmented Star Belt, they will not be able to escape the pursuit of the other party.

   "My body is helping on the flying boat outside the realm, and there are a few bats left in the Nirvana realm, so let's leave it to Jinjiawei to solve it. I will call my great-grandfather and the others to come over." Feng Chen said.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly: "Okay, then we'll wait for them here."

  This space is Bat King’s territory, so other space creatures generally don’t cross the border, and there are relatively few space turbulence, so it’s quite safe to come here.

  The two sat in the pocket and waited on the spot. About an hour later, Yu Changfeng and others showed their figures.

   "Qianqian, you'll be fine!" Yu Jing and the others jumped into their pockets and finally let go of the heart that Yu Qingqian was carrying safely.

   "Father, I can still run for my life." Yu Qing smiled lightly: "Now that the battle between the bat and the lizard is nearing the end, let's hurry over."

   "Okay! If both space creatures suffer, we should be able to defeat them together." Yu Changfeng said.

   He and Yinlong are both in the Nirvana realm, and with the help of others, he is still somewhat sure of dealing with the seriously injured Bat King.

   A group of people sat and flew towards the colorful galaxy area.

  The Lizard King's territory, two space creatures are fighting for their lives. Originally, the Lizard King had the upper hand. When he was about to kill the Bat King completely, he fell into the other side's trick.

  The Bat King showed weakness and used the injury to lure the Lizard King to approach, but when the Lizard King wrapped his tongue around the Bat King, the Bat King bit his tongue while he was unprepared.

   Toxins that had been brewing in the mouth for a long time ooze out from the teeth for the first time, and entered the opponent's body through the tongue of the Lizard King.

  The Lizard King's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the ending of victory would turn out to be a trap. This stinky bat is still so sinister and vicious.

  The Lizard King directly injected his force into his teeth and bit his tongue, feeling his body gradually becoming numb, it turned around without hesitation and wanted to run away.

  The Bat King had already figured it out this time, so how could he let the Lizard King escape?

The Lizard King struggled hard, but the strength of the struggle was getting smaller and smaller. Although the tongue was bitten off, the toxin in the Bat King's mouth still penetrated into the body. .

   "You are too despicable and shameless!" The Lizard King looked at the Bat King with a bit of despair and hatred.

   Bat King sneered: "This is called a trick, what do you know?"

   After it finished speaking, it did not immediately harvest the life of the Lizard King. It was already in the bag anyway. Instead, it raised its head and looked at Yu Qingqian with a half-smile.

   "Damn girl, have you seen enough?"

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