The man in the golden robe didn't originally think that Feng Chen would have high-quality Secret Spirit Silver, but just asked casually. After hearing what he said, he was startled for a while, and then his eyes became even more joyful.

   "Boy, don't use those high-quality secret spirit silver mines, how about you trade with good things when Ben Emperor comes back from the alien interface?"

   "I need at least nine bucks the size of my fist."

   He added, "Of course, if you are useful yourself, the Emperor will not force it."

   Feng Chen guessed from the look of the golden-robed man that the high-quality Mystic Spirit Silver Mine should be of great use to the other party, "Okay, the junior will keep the high-quality Mystic Spirit Silver that the senior needs intact."

   "You're really good boy." The golden-robed man was even more satisfied with Feng Chen.

   "This emperor will have about a hundred years to return to the Guangluan Continent. I hope your kid can complete the last two items of the test before that."

   "The younger generation must do their best!"

The third item in the    jade slip is relatively simple for Feng Chen, but the difficulty is that the forging materials in the second item are of very high quality and are more difficult to find.

"I won't tell you more about this emperor's mental power brand because of its limited power. After you have completed the final test, you can reactivate and summon this emperor's mental power brand." The phantom of the man in the golden robe gradually blurred. stand up.

   Feng Chen nodded: "Yes, the younger generation obeys!"

Before the phantom of the man in the golden robe completely blurred and disappeared, he reached out and nodded at Feng Chen, and a golden light penetrated between his eyebrows.

   "These are some of the secret forging techniques that will be useful to you after you reach the top-ranking blacksmith. You should comprehend them well."

  The phantom of the golden-robed man completely disappeared, leaving only the last echo: "Remember, this emperor is the God Emperor Tianyan!"

After the    phantom and echoes completely disappeared, the book of forging experience returned to its original state and fell into Feng Chen's hands.

  Feng Chen rubbed the cover of the book, and his eyes were a little more radiant.

   He quickly put away the books, got up and walked to Yu Qingqian to help her up.

   At this moment, Yu Qingqian also woke up leisurely, and when he opened his eyes, it was Feng Chen's handsome face that he could never get tired of seeing.

   "Sick beauty, what happened? I was stunned by a force." Yu Qingqian sat up straight and rubbed his forehead.

   Feng Chen put Yu Qingqian in his arms and told what happened just now.

   Yu Qingqian's eyes lit up, "Then don't you have the opportunity to worship the most powerful super-celestial forging master in the master's mouth?"

   "Well, as long as I complete the last two items of the test." Feng Chen said while pinching her nose.

   Yu Qingqian hooked her lips, "If you can worship God Emperor Tianyan as your teacher, then we can have another powerful backup."

I heard from the master that God Emperor Tianyan is very protective of his shortcomings. If the sick beauty worships him as a teacher, it will also affect the safety of Guangluan Continent. In the future, against that mysterious army force, God Emperor Tianyan should not sit back and watch if there is no accident. Reason it.

   "I think so too." Feng Chen smiled and said, "The book of experience left by God Emperor Tianyan is very helpful to me. He is really good at forging."

   For God Emperor Tianyan, Feng Chen had a sense of reverence.

   "To be the first person to forge in the Guangluan Continent, he must have something special." Yu Qing approached Feng Chen with a smile and said, "But if he can accept you as a disciple, he also found a treasure."

  Feng Chen looked at her with bright eyebrows and a proud look on her face. Her cold Jun face was full of indulgent and indulgent smiles, "What I'm saying is."

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