The golden-robed man looked at Feng Chen meaningfully, and a gentle force acted on Feng Chen's body to explore his talent potential.

   "Boy, you have activated the prohibition after comprehending the forging books left by the emperor, and summoned the spiritual imprint of the emperor left in it. Do you know what this means?"

   Feng Chen had heard from Master Gu Yan about the secrets buried in the secret forging tome, and he did not hide it from the man in the golden robe.

   He nodded and replied: "Junior heard that as long as you can fully comprehend this forging book and summon the mental power of the senior, you will have the opportunity to be tested by the senior. If you can pass the test, you will be able to worship the senior as a teacher."

   The man in the golden robe showed a surprised look, "I didn't expect you, the lower world kid, to know this secret. Did someone tell it?"

   "It was told by a senior in the heaven realm when I got the experience of forging tome." Feng Chen said truthfully.

  The man in the golden robe nodded slightly, "No wonder you know the secrets this Emperor hides in the classics."

   "You brat has extraordinary talent and potential, and it is no less than Bendi's, and it has inspired the prohibition hidden in the classics by Bendi, but it has made Bendi born with a love for talent."

  The golden-robed man changed the subject and said, "But the rules are the rules, you have to pass the test of this emperor."

   "The junior is willing to accept the test of the senior." Feng Chen said with a smile.

There was a hint of admiration in the eyes of    the golden-robed man Gu Jing Wubo, but it disappeared soon.

   "You brat has a calm and indifferent temperament. You are not restrained in front of this emperor, and you are not too excited. You are a good seedling in forging and planting."

   "More than 100,000 years have passed. Since you have the fate to activate the spiritual imprint of this emperor in the classics of experience, this emperor will give you a chance."

  The man in the golden robe held a jade slip made of spiritual power, and pointed it towards Feng Chen.

  The jade slip spontaneously fell from his hand, and it turned into a ray of light and got into Feng Chen's eyebrows.

  Feng Chen's spiritual awareness sea also had a jade slip suspended in a layer of golden light.

"The content in this jade slip is a test for you. Take a look at it first. If you think you can do it, then take it. If you think it can't be done, then we will be lost." The golden-robed man said lightly. Say.

   Feng Chen nodded: "Okay!"

   put his mental power on the suspended jade slip, and Feng Chen quickly read the contents.

   "Senior's test, junior believes that he can complete it." Feng Chen said confidently and firmly.

  The corners of the golden-robed man's lips raised slightly, "The test is divided into three items, the first of which is to forge an artifact, are you sure you can do this?"

  The man in the golden robe was just a brand of spiritual power at this time, and he had never been summoned before, so he was not familiar with Feng Chen.

   Fengchen smiled and said, "Senior, this junior has successfully forged a divine weapon more than ten years ago, so this first item can be considered completed."

  The golden-robed man was stunned for a while, obviously not expecting Feng Chen to say such a thing.

   "You forged an artifact more than ten years ago? Really or not? This emperor doesn't like young people who lie." The golden-robed man looked stern, and there was a sense of disbelief in his tone.

   Feng Chen didn't explain much, the golden long whip that was condensed at the beginning of his mind appeared in his hand.

   "Senior, this is the first artifact forged and condensed by this junior, please see!" Feng Chen respectfully handed the golden whip to the man in the golden robe.

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