The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2475: Calculate new account and old account together

  Lou Feixue's eldest brother holds the Lou family's inheritance seal in his hand. As long as he wakes up, those people will not dare to move without authorization, otherwise they will be suppressed by the retreating ancestors in the forbidden area.

   Those old guys only recognized inheritance seals and not people.

   "Now that your uncle is awake, it's useless for those people to come to the door, you don't have to worry." Lou Feixue patted Yu Qingqian's hand again.

   Yu Qingqian didn't cover up the anger emanating from her body, "Grandma, we're not worried about those people coming, but we're worried that they won't come."

   Her brows and eyes were dyed with a bit of coldness, "Grandma, those people have made you so tired all these years, we stand up for you, do you have any opinion?"

   "It's enough that you have this kind of filial piety. I have long since lost my feelings for those people in the Lou family. You can do whatever you want."

  Lou Feixue paused and said, "But behind them not only the support of the Wu family and the Duan family, but also the shadow of Leisha Mountain."

   "Leizha Mountain?" Yu Qingqian raised his eyebrows, "Why do they like to do such things so much, this time we took the opportunity to clean up together."

  Lei Chashan and Gui Yuanzong have been feuding for a long time, and it is not uncommon for them to dislike each other and set up tricks for each other. Since the other party takes the initiative to come to the door, then she is welcome.

  The disciples of Leisha Mountain used to find fault with them in Xuanyou Valley, and it happened that the new accounts and the old accounts were calculated together.

   "It's fine if you have the knowledge in your heart, but don't be impulsive because of my affairs." Lou Feixue said earnestly.

   Her temperament is to protect her own shortcomings without caring about anything, but her son and granddaughter protect her shortcomings, and she always thinks about their safety.

   "Don't worry, grandma, we never do anything we are not sure about. You can see how we clean up those worms in Lou's house." Yu Qingqian said confidently.

   The most taboo thing in a family is intrigue and fragmentation, and the Lou family has become a typical example of this.

   Lou Feixue was very warm-hearted to her granddaughter to protect herself like this, and she didn't object to it hypocritically, "Okay, my family can play whatever they want in three days."

   For most of the Lou family, Lou Feixue has long lost patience.

   After the affair with Lou's family was over this time, she decided to leave with Yu Zisu without the need for Yu Zisuti, and it was time to let go of her burden.

   In three days, Yu Qingqian used the antidote to wake the unconscious person, and Feng Chen restored the prohibition on the planting pattern that had been broken before, disguising it as its original appearance, and no one noticed.

  Lou Feiyun not only recovered to the best state under Yu Qingqian's conditioning, but also recovered all his original cultivation.

  Three days later, there were footsteps and voices outside the courtyard at noon.

  The prohibition of planting patterns outside the yard was opened layer by layer, and a group of people, led by two old men and middle-aged men in brocade robes, walked in mightily.

   They held their heads high with a sense of arrogance, but the aura was not so harmonious.

  The old man glanced at the middle-aged man, "Let's work together to force Lou Feixue and the others to hand over the family inheritance seal, and then we will compete for the position of the head of the family."

   The middle-aged man smiled gently, "It was agreed before, I have no objection."

  The two walked to the innermost courtyard together, opened the door and saw that there was no one in the courtyard, the old man winked at a man behind.

  The man immediately stepped forward a few steps and shouted loudly: "Old Patriarch, Lou Feixue, the time limit for the two elders has come, how do you choose to give you an answer quickly?"

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