Ling Yinyin wanted revenge against Ling Qing, so Yu Qingqian could also help her.

   "Yu Qingqian, I am willing to cooperate with you. As long as I can kill those two people, I am willing to do anything."

  Ling Yinyin's face was firm and decisive, as if even if there was a demon here, she could hand over her soul in exchange.

   Yu Qingqian felt a sense of pity for Ling Yinyin, what this girl younger than her experienced really made people collapse.

   "It's good for us to join forces, this is cooperation, and you don't need to pay or repay anything."

  Ling Yinyin held back the tears in her eyes: "Thank you, Yu Qingqian!"

  Although Yu Qingqian didn't want her to repay, Ling Yinyin decided in her heart that she would repay her no matter what.

   If it wasn't for the support of revenge, Ling Yinyin herself felt that she was about to have no love.

   "Then where do we start?" Ling Yinyin said: "Ling Qing's cultivation base is very strong, and there is a mysterious organization behind him to rely on. We definitely cannot do it head-on."

   Yu Qingqian thought for a while and asked, "Can we follow you to see your mother's relics?"

  Yu Qingqian felt that starting with Ling Yinyin's mother was the most likely breakthrough.

  Ling Yinyin nodded: "Okay!"

   After Ling Yinyin completely calmed down, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen followed Ling Yinyin to where she lived.

   Taking Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen to a room with elegant decorations everywhere, Ling Yinyin said, "This is my mother's room, and the relics I once left are here."

   Feng Chen swept the door and asked, "This room has a special barrier that only you can open. Have you brought anyone else here before?"

   "I only brought Aunt Lin here." Ling Yinyin said.

   Feng Chen nodded, "I see!"

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen browsed through the room, and with Ling Yinyin's permission, looked at the things her mother left behind, but found nothing special.

When    was about to leave, Feng Chen made a stop gesture, "Wait a minute!"

   "What's wrong?" Yu Qingqian knew that Feng Chen must have discovered something.

   "The special barrier arranged at the door is actually linked to a mechanism." Feng Chen walked to the door and used a special mechanism to break the door handle.

   "Crack!" There was a sound of something being opened, and then a roll of yellowed animal skin flew out.

   Feng Chen reached out and grabbed it, but he couldn't understand the symbols and words on it.

   "This should be left by your mother." Feng Chen handed the animal skin to Ling Yinyin.

  Ling Yinyin took the hide and looked at it, obviously recognizing the special symbols and characters on it.

   She opened her mouth and read the above.

   "My Yinyin, when you found this animal skin, I believe you also found what your mother did."

   "I don't know what's right or wrong. Although it's gone, but I don't hate Ling Qing, I even feel sorry for him, and I hope you don't hate him."

"Now you should also know the situation in your body. The power of light erodes the meridians and completely turns you into a waste material. This is actually a kind of protection for you by your father, otherwise you will never be able to live. of."

"Your father once abandoned me ruthlessly, not because he really wanted to marry that woman, but because of hidden feelings. He didn't want to involve me in that conspiracy, but in the end, I was used by that soul by accident and got into the game. ."

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