The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2350: Meet the gods, kill the gods, meet the devils, kill the devils

  Others also showed shocked and disbelieving eyes.

   Immediately, she reacted to the name that Ling Yinyin said, and looked at Yu Qingqian with awe. It turned out that she was the most popular figure in Ninetowns recently!

   Even the two Nirvana realm powerhouses looked at Yu Qingqian with admiration and admiration in their eyes.

   They didn't expect that Yu Qingqian could not only do such a sensational thing, but also such a powerful healer.

  The body of their young lady was seen by the Eternal God Emperor, who is known as the strongest healer in the abyss, but the final result was that it was destined to be abolished and unable to cultivate in this life.

   But Yu Qingqian did it inadvertently. Does this mean that her healing talent is stronger than that of the most outstanding healer in the abyss.

   After all, in terms of treatment, it is more important to have no ability to cultivate.

   "Thank you Miss Yu!" The woman in yellow let go of Ling Yinyin, turned around and knelt down in front of Yu Qingqian.

  Yu Qingqian was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to make such a move, and immediately turned away, "Don't do this!"

   "Let's talk first, I'll go out and have a look!" Yu Qingqian found that the group was too excited and needed to talk to each other to ease, so he decided to make room.

   After she finished speaking, she gave Ling Yinyin a beckoning look and walked out of the hole quickly.

  I appreciate Yu Qingqian's sincerity of the woman in yellow, but I really don't like others to kneel and be grateful to me.

   After leaving the cave, Yu Qingqian walked over to Feng Chen who was smiling at her and sat down.

   Feng Chen took Yu Qingqian's hand and asked with a light smile, "You cured her, she is too excited?"

   One can guess that the other party was very happy when he heard the previous cry, but only the people brought by Ling Yinyin were concerned that they would think something happened to her.

   "Yeah! Not only Ling Yinyin, but other people's emotions are also very unstable." Yu Qing smiled lightly, but it was understandable.

   After all, in this world where strength is the most respected, it is not as easy as ordinary people to live without the strength of cultivation, not to mention that Ling Yinyin still bears such a big hatred!

   "What's your plan next?" Feng Chen asked while playing with Yu Qingqian's hand.

   Yu Qing said with a light smile: "First, accompany Uncle Lou to find all the things you are looking for, and then we will also explore the opportunity."

   "After leaving this tomb, let's rush to the ninth city and try to return to the Guangluan mainland."

   Then Yu Qingqian told Feng Chen and others about Ling Yinyin in general.

   Ling Yinyin is not talking about a big secret, they will know when they go to the ninth city, so the leakage is not important.

  People in Guangluan Continent showed worried expressions when they heard that the city lord of Ninth City had closed the gate to the other world for thousands of years.

  A thousand years is still a long time for those who already miss their hometown very much.

   "Qingqian, then what should we do? Could it really be a thousand years?" Jiang Yao couldn't help asking.

   Yu Qingqian said soothingly: "The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, we will always find a way to leave, a thousand years is too long, we can't wait!"

  Whoever dares to obstruct their way home, then no matter what means are used, they will go all the way forward, encountering gods, killing gods, meeting demons and killing demons.

   Hearing Yu Qingqian's reassuring words, and seeing her firm and decisive expression, Jiang Yao and others were inexplicably relieved.

  I don't know why, they have long since formed a default in their subconscious, where there is a big devil and Feng Chen, there is hope!

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