The majesty of King Anzhi cannot be provoked. Yu Qingqian didn't want to open his mouth at first, but now he has to bite the bullet for two reasons.

   She is telling the truth, Xiao Jiu just conveyed to herself a thought of wanting the power of light in the other party.

  Secondly, Yu Qingqian saw in this woman a quality that was more affectionate and righteous, and the desperation of the other party's unwillingness like a great vengeance made her a little moved.

   King Anzhi was a little unhappy at first, but he was relieved to hear Yu Qingqian say this.

  Any plant or wood-based spirit is tolerant and loving to King Dark Plant, like treating his own junior.

   "Since it was Xiao Jiu's need, then the emperor let them go." The power that King Anzhi had gathered was instantly restrained, as if it had not happened.

   Immediately, she looked at Ling Yinyin, who had changed her face again, with a profound meaning, "Little girl, you are a blessing in disguise this time!"

  Ling Yinyin was very puzzled, why the other party said so, but seeing that King Anzhi walked directly to the place where the Qi-Turning Stone was, she did not dare to ask further.

   just looked up at the woman who had temporarily rescued them with some inexplicable and curious eyes.

   "Thank you!" No matter what the other party had, at least they saved them.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly: "You're welcome, we each get what we need!"

   "I'll talk to you in detail when we take away the air-turning stone!" she added.

  Ling Yinyin felt that Yu Qingqian did not have any malicious intent, so she nodded in relief: "Okay!"

   The people who followed her walked around the circle of death, and now they were rescued and could not help but sigh in relief, and cast a grateful look at Yu Qingqian.

   King Anzhi used brute force to go against the defense, but the defense bounced back all his power.

  Ling Yinyin and her party twitched the corners of their mouths when they saw this. They were sure that if King Anzhi wanted to use this method to break this layer of defense, he would be afraid to break it for the rest of his life.

   King Anzhi's power bounced back, and he showed a bit of confusion, and hurriedly avoided being attacked.

   "That old guy is really insidious!" He hated this kind of planting mechanism the most.

   King Anzhi turned his head to Feng Chen and said, "Boy Feng, I'll leave this to you to deal with."

   Feng Chen chuckled: "Okay, junior try it, but you may have to use the strength of senior to stay here."

   "No problem, just follow the old rules." King Anzhi took a few steps back.

  Ling Yinyin's people looked at Feng Chen curiously, some of them couldn't figure out how a person who only cultivated in the spirit realm would break the defense formed by the fusion of this supernatural product and the mechanism.

  Feng Chen's cold eyes filled with a sense of interest. He stepped forward and rubbed it carefully. He soon entered a state of being like no one, and no one spoke to disturb him.

   After an hour, Feng Chen was stripped from that state, his eyes filled with joy.

   The bottleneck of the mechanism technique that had been imprisoned for a long time was instantly broken after this moment of enlightenment, which was a pleasant surprise.

  Feng Chen also found the weak point and key to the crack in an hour of comprehension. He did it himself first, and then asked King Anzhi to do it.

   "Senior, please use at least 80% of your strength to attack these nine points. You must attack them all before you can break through." Feng Chen tapped the nine points in the void with his fingertips, and nine black ripples formed a mark.

   King Dark Plant nodded, spread the dark power excitation into nine parts, and all fell towards the black ripples of the nine marks.

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