The woman in yellow felt uneasy when she heard the name of the Eternal God Emperor Jiye to the silver-haired old man.

   The reason why the Eternal God Emperor Jiye took them into the ancient tomb was entirely because the young lady's great-grandmother had a good relationship with each other.

Miss   's great-grandmother told Ji Ye Eternal God Emperor that they came to experience training, so the other party didn't even know that Miss was actually here to find the Qi-Turning Stone.

   Now the competitor is the Dark Plant King!

   "It would be great if the lady told Ji Ye Eternal God Emperor before coming here that we are here to find the Qi-turning stone!" The woman in yellow sighed.

Ling Yinyin frowned and sighed: "The Eternal God Emperor Ji Ye came to find the tooth of the sea by himself, and he brought us along for the sake of his great-grandmother, even if he knew that we were looking for the Qi-turning stone, he would not necessarily help. "

   "What's more, the one who also wants to turn the air stone is King Anzhi. The Eternal God Emperor Jiye knows that what we are looking for is in conflict with King Anzhi, and she can't take action."

   "Miss, if the thing in your body is not suppressed by the Qi-turning stone, it will be life-threatening. What should we do now?" The woman in yellow said worriedly.

   They came to find the Qi-Turning Stone simply for the young lady's body, not because it was an exotic treasure.

  Ling Yinyin was also a little confused, she came here after all the hard work, but she never expected to meet King Anzhi, how unlucky she is!

   "Miss, don't you have a detailed jade map of the gas-turning stone in your hand? How about we take the gas-turning stone away before King Anzhi." A young man behind Ling Yinyin pursed his lips and opened his mouth.

   It's just that he didn't say that if King Anzhi was angry, he would use his life to fight it.

  Ling Yinyin was stunned for a while, then thought about it and gritted her teeth: "Okay, let's do it like this!"

   She doesn't want to die yet, and if she is afraid because the other party is a super strong in the abyss and hell, she will definitely leave her inner demon in the future, and she will not go far.

   If she can't get the Qi-Turning Stone, she can only live for another ten years at most. It's better to give it a try. The big deal is that she is shot to death by King Anzhi on the spot.

   Those who followed Ling Yinyin were all the confidants left by her mother, so I very much agreed with this approach.

  Ling Yinyin took out a jade slip to inspire, "Let's follow the jade slip!"

   "Yes!" The group followed her towards the depths of the sea.

  Other teams or individuals have different concerns from Ling Yinyin, and they put more attention on Yu Qingqian.

   "I remembered that the woman who followed King Anzhi and knew the Eternal Divine Emperor Jiye was the Yu Qingqian who had been rumored recently!"

   What Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen did in the Fifth City caused a sensation in the entire Nine Cities, and the portraits of her and Feng Chen's true faces also circulated.

  In places like the abyss and hell, they advocate force, so some people in Ninetowns regard them as objects of worship.

   Of course, this kind of local fighting is also very serious, and some people regard Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen as opponents, and even have nasty thoughts after being jealous.

   "This girl is actually Yu Qingqian, she looks so pretty!"

   "This is worthy of being the most influential figure in the news list in recent years. Not only does King Anzhi serve as a backer, but he also knows the Eternal God Emperor Jiye. What is the origin of this girl?"

   "I heard that it came from a large heterotopic interface, but now it seems that it is not so simple."

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