Shi Xi originally disagreed, but the more he listened, the more he felt that what Yu Qingqian said made sense.

   There was a little more light in his eyes. If Lou Zhan prevented the forces of the abyss royal family infiltrating the abyss and **** from participating in the auction, then his credit would be even greater.

   The price of 20% more than the auction can be traded for the Mystic Spirit Silver vein, not only will the old guys not talk about it, but also praise him for his ability to do things.

  Shi Xi raised his head and looked at Yu Qingqian thoughtfully, sighing that this woman's brain is really useful, she can think of any weird elf way.

  Yu Qingqian is right, why should the resources of the abyss royal family be cheap? Those who want to bring him down might as well give it to this woman, at least she will never break her promise.

   "Okay, just do as you say."

  Yu Qingqing chuckled lightly: "You finally got your mind open!"

  Shi Xi heard what she said, and suddenly remembered what she said just now when she scolded herself for being stupid. The thought of praising Yu Qingqian disappeared, and there was an urge to strangle her to death.

   "How can we say that we are both collaborators now. Once you blew yourself up and even killed me once, I can be considered even. Can you stop being so cruel to me in the future?" Shi Xi couldn't help saying.

  Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows, thinking that in the future they would cultivate an abyss emperor who favored her side, and said lightly, "I'll try my best!"

  Shi Xi also knows that he can't ask for too much at one time, otherwise this dead woman will definitely turn her face right away.

   "Okay, then I'll go get them to gather high-quality dark marrow first." Shi Xi stood up.

   Yu Qingqian stretched out his hand in a gesture of "goodbye", "Slow walk, no farewell!"

  After Shi Xi left, Yu Qingqian raised her head and said to Feng Chen, "Beauty Sick, why don't Fat Cat go and get some silver mines in the normal area, we'd better take out ten copies and put them up for auction."

   "Five copies are too few, I'm afraid that those forces big and small will have opinions, and secondly, I can get more dark marrow."

   The number of dark marrow and spiritual marrow does not conflict with the impact of the small tower space, and can be superimposed as two resources, so Yu Qingqian still wants to collect more high-quality dark marrow in the abyss.

  Fengchen pondered for a moment, "This method is feasible, and I don't know if there will be a chance to collect dark essence in the future. Let's make a fortune now."

   Yu Qingqian hooked her lips and said: "Well, those people don't do much in the mission, and they wanted to annex our secret silver before, so they should pay a price for their dirty mind."

   If the previous high-level leaders of the major forces fulfilled their previous promises, then Yu Qingqian would also keep their promises.

   But the other party turned his face first. Although the previous incident was suppressed by King Anzhi, it still made her very uncomfortable.

   "Qianqian is as you please!" Feng Chen has always been indulgent towards Yu Qingqian.

   He could imagine that when those powerful people found out that a lot of the Mystic Spirit Silver Mine had been poached, they turned angry but helpless.

  Yu Qingqian released the fat cat, "Go and dig some more Mystic Silver veins and bring them back."

   Fat Cat's listless look instantly regained his spirit, "How much do you need to dig?"

   Digging more Mystic Silver veins means more dark marrow, and it can be eaten well.

   "Let's dig 20% ​​of the total ordinary secret spirit silver veins." Yu Qingqian thought to himself, aren't those untrustworthy guys trying to occupy 20% of him? Then let them lose 20%.

   "Okay, I'll go right now!" Fat cats have always liked doing such sneaky things.

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