Yu Qingqian never doubted that King Anzhi kept his promise.

   There is no need for a super powerhouse like Dark Plant King to trick her into playing.

  Yu Qingqian took out the silver leaf of identity given by King Anzhi before, held it in his hand and said, "Senior, this is the silver leaf of identity you gave before, and now it is returned to the original owner!"

   King Anzhi didn't expect that Yu Qingqian would return his identity Yinye without hesitation and hesitation, and his wise and calm eyes showed a bit of admiration and relief, which showed that he really did not see the wrong person.

   "No, this was originally given to you." King Anzhi did not take back his identity Silver Leaf.

   Yu Qingqian was slightly surprised, and felt that the tone of King Anzhi was a little unusual, "Senior, this is a token of identity that can control all the dark plants in the abyss and hell, are you not afraid of what I will do in the future?"

   "I believe that judging from the nature of your little girl who likes to treat plants kindly, you won't do such a thing."

   King Anzhi paused and continued: "There is another reason why I don't take back this identity silver leaf."

  Yu Qingqian thought to himself that he had come, "Senior please make it clear!"

   "Little girl, do you really like these dark plants?" asked the dark plant king.

  Yu Qingqian nodded without hesitation: "I like it!"

   "Then are you willing to rebuild a safe and secure home for them?" King Anzhi asked again.

   Yu Qing's heart skipped a beat, looked up at King Anzhi sincerely, "I do!"

   "Haha, then the Emperor will give them to you."

   "I believe that after you bring them back to the Guangluan Continent, you will definitely give them a stable environment to survive, which is much better than living in the abyss and hell." King Anzhi laughed and revealed his true purpose.

   In fact, what he has been looking for is not someone who has the right to mine the Mystic Spirit Silver vein, but a qualified trustee.

   That's why this test is used as a mission.

   Yu Qingqian was amazed, she really didn't expect King Anzhi to make such an entrustment.

But he still expressed the doubts in his heart, "Senior, these dark plants are your people, and what they need most is your protection. The younger generation also believes that you love these people very much, but why did you entrust their future to me? Woolen cloth?"

  King Anzhi looked at the distant sky, and after a while, he sighed heavily, and seemed to be full of hope, "Because this emperor is about to travel far away, I don't know if there will be a day to come back."

   "I'm afraid I won't be able to come back after I leave, and they will be remembered by people like Xiao Moning again."

  Devouring the cultivation of the power of the dark plant is not the first time in the abyss, but often happens secretly.

  Before, because of where his identity was suppressed, many high-level leaders of major forces did not dare to make any changes, otherwise they would not know how many dark plants would be left in the abyss and hell.

This time, he was also restrained by the silver ore vein of the secret spirit. He also saved that he had to think for the sake of the dark plant group, so he endured not to interfere and clean up Xiao Mo Ning before, otherwise even if he could not escape freely for the time being, he would be killed. A Xiao Mo Ning is a very simple matter.

   But once he leaves, those who are afraid of him will gradually relax their vigilance and grow their ambitions, and he will really feel restless when he starts attacking the dark plant group.

  Yu Qingqian is unique in his mind, possessing special artifacts that are beneficial to plants, and possessing special abilities.

  In addition, after the test of this mission, King Anzhi found that Yu Qingqian was the person he had been looking for, and he was also the best person to lead the Anzhi family to survive in a stable manner in the future.

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