However, Xiao Moning's hands are fast, and Lou Zhan's mental power is faster.

   A special spiritual force fell on Xiao Moning's body, temporarily blocking his entire body's dark energy and unable to move.

   "Huailu, I'll leave it to you!" Lou Zhan took back the long sword pointed at Xiao Moning, turned and said lightly.

   Huailu, who came out of the shadows, looked excited and saluted Lou Zhan, "Thank you!"

   Immediately, countless dark plants emerged from the passage, staring at Xiao Mo Ning with green eyes, as if he was looking at a fat fish on a chopping board. How can he get the most torment.

   Xiao Moning was frightened by the hatred expressions of the dark plants, shaking his head and constantly stepping back, "No, no, no!"

   "Ah!" Gradually his voice and figure were drowned in the encirclement of Anzhi.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen looked at the past, there was no extra sympathy on the look, all this was Xiao Moning's sin, and he needed to pay for it himself, and it was his own fault.

  Yu Qingqian looked at the orange creatures that had withered on the ground, and moved them into the small tower space.

   For the little ones, such creatures are a great tonic.

   Not only the little babies, but Yan Jun and Long Shan also followed the absorption of the remaining power of the creature's body, and their cultivation base strength has been greatly improved.

   Several of the other little babies have also touched the bottleneck of the Heling Realm. If the power of this orange creature's body is absorbed, the little babies should be able to advance to the Heling Realm one after another.

   "Let's go!" Yu Qingqian said.

  The battle in the fifth city was over, and they also successfully completed the mission.

   Yu Qingqian was content, not because he had completed the task, but because he had rescued so many dark plants.

   The group left the City Lord's Mansion and stayed at an inn. Gu Qingze's ability to coordinate and organize was put to use at this moment.

  He took Yuchiyu and others to clean up the mess, while Yu Qingqian began to retreat and refine the biological essence he obtained before.

   Half a month later, Huailu took the dark plants to eliminate all the forces established by Xiao Moning and returned to Yu Qingqian.

  Yu Qingqian had already finished refining the biological essence at this time, and the strength of his cultivation had increased a lot, and he was approaching the middle stage of the Spiritual Union.

   "Do you have any unfinished business in Fifth City?" Yu Qingqian asked, looking up at Huailu who walked in.

  Huailu bowed to Yu Qingqian, "Thank you for your accomplishment, we have nothing unfinished, and we can follow you to see the king at any time."

   "Do you have any plans for the future?" Yu Qingqian personally poured the tea that Anzhi liked for the Huailu group.

   Huailu raised the teacup and thought for a while, "My decision to follow you has not changed, it just depends on whether you accept it or not."

   "Some of the other dark plants want to return to their former tribes, and most of the rest are confused. They may want to listen to the king's advice." He added.

   Yu Qingqing chuckled lightly: "Of course I welcome you to join us!"

"However, our Guangluan Continent does not have dark energy and dark power. If you go there, you will definitely be very uncomfortable. The improvement of your cultivation will be very slow, or even regress." Yu Qingqian, who should be reminded, must remind, otherwise it will be harmful Wail.

   Huailu was not surprised, "I know that apart from the abyss, other continents and our abyss **** are different from the abyssal interface, but in fact, it is not impossible to solve this problem."

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