Compared with Lou Zhan's anger, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen seemed much calmer.

   Feng Chen said: "Uncle Lou, don't be angry, we were just trying to prevent the old fox from coming, and we are not going to wait until the auction is over."

   Lou Zhan was stunned for a while, then asked with a chuckle, "What are your plans?"

   "I have prepared a special lethal weapon, and I will start using it immediately. There is no need to wait for the auction to proceed normally. When the chaos becomes a mess, I will take the opportunity to take away the dark plant that was imprisoned by the auction."

   "Feng Chen has also developed a special method that can quickly break the ban on planting patterns."

   Yu Qing smiled lightly and continued: "It's just that during the chaos, Uncle Lou still needs to notify the masters of the major forces to intercept the old fox's deployment guards."

   "No problem, I'll send a message to them now, you can take action." Lou Zhan was full of interest, looking forward to the lethal weapon in Yu Qingqian's mouth.

  Yu Qingqian smiled slightly: "Okay!"

  In another private room, a white-bearded old man sat with a cat.

   "This nasty person is so cunning. He actually came up with this method to prevent the dark vegetation from robbery. Can you succeed in divination, old god?" The white cat lazily licked his paws and spat out words.

  The white-bearded old man smiled and said, "I have already made a hexagram, just wait and see the good show."

   "When are we going to shoot?" The white cat asked with a bit of arrogance.

  The white-bearded old man shook his head mysteriously: "It's not the time yet!"

   "Hmph, you just sell your shit." The white cat snorted and curled his lips, but he didn't ask any more questions, instead he was curious about what those people with luck would do.

   "Boom! Boom!!"

  Suddenly, several deafening loud noises came from behind the auction table, and then the whole building shook a few times before it gradually stabilized.

   A stream of yellow smoke floated in from the backstage of the auction.

   Many people stood up and exclaimed: "Toxic, run!"

   Immediately, the people sitting below the scene became a mess and ran towards the door behind.

   However, the speed of the yellow smoke was faster than everyone else. Soon everyone on the first floor inhaled the yellow smoke, and many people fell to the ground in an instant.

  The people with good cultivation ability persisted for a while and then fell down and fainted.

The poison in the   yellow smoke is not fatal, but it can make those present unconscious and suffer some torture.

   Yu Qingqian was also displeased with those who were buying dark plants, but they were not at the point where they wanted to kill them all, so some punishment was inevitable.

   Not only the people below were chaotic, but the people sitting in the private rooms basically fell to the ground when they saw the people below, and they panicked not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

   He scolded Xiao Moning over and over again in his heart, this old fox knew that someone was coming, but he didn't take precautions, causing them to be implicated, really hateful.

   Xiao Moning was also stunned for a moment at this time, he didn't expect that the other party would come to this trick.

   He immediately closed his five senses and teleported off the auction stage, heading towards the room behind.

   After entering the room, I saw that the wall was torn apart by an unknown force in many places, and the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were either dead or unconscious on the ground.

   And the dark plants that were originally bound in several rooms have all disappeared, and the prohibition on the protection of the heavens has also been destroyed.

   "Who is it! Who is it!" Xiao Moning spat out a mouthful of blood again, and then turned into a stream of light and flew out of the room, looking for the culprit everywhere.

   Captured the aura of fighting in several places, Xiao Moning shouted: "The people of the City Lord's Mansion obey the order, block all the doors, no one is allowed to let out, and those who forcibly break through will be killed without mercy!"

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