Xiao Shanlong left, but locked his mental power on several people.

   He was going to wait for a few people to leave the slave market, then he would kill them and take away all the slaves he wanted to buy and their space storage accessories.

   Changed to the usual Xiao Shanlong would not be so impulsive, but the recent addition of several things made him extremely annoyed and just wanted to find an outlet.

   Xiao Shanlong narrowed his eyes dangerously and gloomily, since this woman dared to rush up to him so arrogantly, then don't blame him for being rude.

   Yu Qingqian and the others naturally found out that Xiao Shanlong's mental power locked them, and instead of showing any anxiety, they showed a hearty smile.

   Yes, Yu Qingqian deliberately wanted to anger Xiao Shanlong.

   There are too many slaves here and they are too widely distributed. They are still worried about how to take the opportunity to rescue all the slaves here. Now Xiao Shanlong has come to the door.

  If the deputy city lord of the Fifth City died near the slave market, there would naturally be a commotion and confusion, and they would be able to take the opportunity to save Anzhi.

   Of course, the more important thing is that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chenzhen are going to save this alien slave who Xiao Shanlong took a fancy to.

   Xiao Shanlong left with cold air all over his body, but the boss didn't care.

   He smiled and asked Yu Qingqian, "Miss, do you still want this slave."

   "Yes, why not?" Yu Qingqian heard the two negotiating the price, and threw the space ring with double price to the boss.

   The boss swept it and handed a thin brown iron sheet to Yu Qingqian with a smile on his face, "Miss, this is the shackle to control this alien. If he is disobedient in the future, you can punish him at will."

  Yu Qingqian listened to the boss's words and had the urge to beat the other party, but he held back for the time being, now is not the best time.

   casually took the brown iron piece, she injected a mental energy, and the alien who was sitting cross-legged on the ground groaned.

   "Let's go." Yu Qing looked at the alien slave lightly and said.

   The man's indifferent face had no expression at all, and there was a trace of pain and helplessness in his eyes, so he could only stand up and follow Yu Qingqian and the others to leave the booth.

   After walking out for a while, Yu Qingqian said to Feng Chen and the others, "We don't have to go shopping for the time being. Let's go meet Xiao Shanlong for a while."

   Huailu's originally kind-hearted face was full of sternness and hatred, "Little friend Yu, can Xiao Shanlong be handed over to us?"

   "Senior, we are not ready to take action. You can do whatever you want, as long as you kill each other, so that we can take the opportunity to create chaos." Yu Qing said with a smile.

  To talk about hatred, it is naturally Huailu and others who have a big hatred with Xiao Shanlong, and Yu Qingqian was ready to solve the enemy for them.

   Xiao Shanlong has no special ability to affect the suppression of dark planting, not to mention that there are hundreds of dark planting powerhouses in the small tower space, even Huailu can kill him by himself.

  Huairu said a little excitedly: "Thank you little friend Yu for making it happen."

   Their conversation was not voiced or concealed, and the alien slave who was bought listened in surprise.

Just when he was wondering what these people were doing, he suddenly saw the woman who bought him turn her head and said with a smile, but her voice was completely different from before, "Gu Qingze, how did you become a slave after you came to the abyss hell? ?"

  Yu Qingqian did not expect that the friend of the alien prince, Gu Qingze, whom he made in the sky city, would become a slave in the abyss and get so miserable.

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