Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen each used the defensive teleportation power of the Concentric Order to successfully escape Xiao Moning's life-threatening attack.

   "This thing made by the ancients is really useful!" Yu Qingqian sighed while playing with the concentricity in his hand.

  If there is no order of concentricity today, they are really in danger, and they are afraid that they will be played to death in the palace.

   Feng Chen also said with lingering fears: "Yes! I really lost my master at the beginning."

  Gu Yan let Gu Zhongjin give them the concentric order and the identity token to play a big role, otherwise, this is the second time they are in distress and almost finished their lives.

   Of course, if there was no such trump card, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen would not be so reckless to explore the palace.

   "Now there are only other dark plants left in the Lord Savior's Mansion."

  Yu Qingqian touched his chin and said, "We have rescued Anzhi at the auction. Now let's go to rescue those Anzhi in the slave market."

   Feng Chen nodded: "Okay!"

   Immediately, Yu Qingqian released Yu Jing and the darkly planted old man.

   Yu Jing guessed that the two would have hole cards, so he was not too surprised.

  The dark planting old man looked at the surrounding environment with shock. From his experience, they had already left Xiao Moning's control area.

   "The mind and ability of the two little friends, the old man really admires!"

  Yu Qingqian and the two smiled: "Senior is wrong, we also escaped by being clever, if we fight for strength, Xiao Mo Ning will definitely kill us."

   "Haha, cleverness is also a kind of strength, and now Xiao Moning is afraid that he is going crazy with anger." The old man felt a sense of joy in his heart.

  Yu Qing smiled and said, "It's better to be crazy or **** off!"

   "Senior, can you contact the other dark plants in the lord's mansion, or give orders to them?" she asked again.

  The old man smiled gently and said, "I can transmit the sound to the dark plant that was also controlled before. If I want to give an order, I need a little friend to do it."

  Yu Qingqian laughed: "Senior, do you mean the identity silver leaf given by King Anzhi?"

   "Yes, the identity of the silver leaf can lead the dark planting of the entire abyss, so to order them, only a little friend can do it."

  The old man paused and said, "But I can't get in touch with the secret planting in the auction and the slave market. Their brand is different from ours."

   "We have rescued the dark plant at the auction, and are now preparing to go to the slave market for rescue." Yu Qingqian replied.

  The old man was stunned, his eyes burst with surprise, he bowed to Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, "I would like to thank the two little friends for their kindness and virtue. We have remembered this friendship in our secret family!"

  Although Yu Qingqian was entrusted by the king to do the task to save them, but kindness is kindness, and he sees the other party's efforts in his eyes.

   What touched him the most was that the little girl was able to absorb all the wood elements and vitality essence in the creature, but she chose to return them.

   Such qualities made him respect him from the bottom of his heart regardless of age and cultivation strength, and he remembered such kindness even more.

   "Senior is too polite, you don't need to be so polite!" The two did not expect the old man to bow to them, and immediately reached out to support each other.

   "Yes, it should be." The old man said firmly.

   Several people chatted for a while, and Yu Qingqian released Long Shan and Yan Jun.

   "Shanshan, give us a new look and atmosphere, we are going to the city." Yu Qing said with a smile looking at Long Shan.

   Now if this face and aura entered the city, Xiao Mo Ning would be able to recognize it at a glance, maybe they were wanted by now.

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