Xiao Moning reluctantly tried again, but this time he was directly shocked by the force and vomited blood.


   Xiao Moning reached out and wiped the blood on his lips, his face full of disbelief, "How is this possible?"

   "What happened to my uncle? Was it destroyed by the invaders?" Xiao Shanlong asked nervously.

   Xiao Mo Ning's face was complicated and gloomy, "No, it was the force that caused me to be shocked."

   "It is absorbing an extremely powerful wood-type power at this time. If it absorbs all of it, it should be able to completely evolve successfully."

   Xiao Shanlong's eyes filled with joy, "Isn't that a good thing? After it absorbs and evolves successfully, if you absorb its power again, uncle, you will be able to step directly into the Eternal Realm."

   "No, it has already given birth to a spiritual consciousness on its own, it wants to completely escape my control, and even reveals a thought that wants to devour me as well." Xiao Moning's face was extremely ugly.

   "What? This, how is this possible?" Xiao Shanlong exclaimed.

   Xiao Moning punched the wall, "Nothing is impossible, its power is getting stronger and stronger, and after it fully evolves, I'm afraid it won't be its opponent."

   Its eyes are extremely cloudy, and its mind has been turning around to how to turn it beautifully.

   "What should we do then?" Xiao Shanlong asked.

   Xiao Mo Ning pondered for a moment and said, "Wait, let's wait for it to evolve first. Fortunately, I left one of its Achilles' heels in my hand, it might be useful."

   That thing was cultivated by him with blood essence. If you want to get out of his control and devour his master, never imagine!

   Although he was very angry in his heart, he was looking forward to it.

   As long as the evolution of that thing is completed, after he absorbs it, he can advance to the eternal realm that he has thought about for tens of thousands of years.

  In the stomach of the garlic head creature, it is madly absorbing the green leaf.

  The turquoise leaves gradually turned gray, and almost 90% of the power and essence on them were lost.

  The garlic head creature screamed excitedly again, its body suddenly became a lot bigger, and the mysterious aura emanating from it became stronger and stronger.

   It has already felt the bottleneck of breaking through the barrier of evolution. As long as it absorbs the power in the last layer of turquoise leaves, it can be completely free and powerful.

  Scarlet eyes appeared in the inner abdomen, with an incomparable excitement and madness, and the gray-brown tentacles quickly absorbed the power of the turquoise leaves.

  When the leaves were about to turn gray, the originally excited garlic-headed creature suddenly widened its eyes, condensing a humanized face showing an extremely painful expression.

   "唧唧!!" It couldn't help screaming again, but this time it was not the excitement of about to succeed, but a piercing scream of pain.

  The sudden reaction of the garlic head creature made everyone outside stunned.

  Feng Chen's eyes showed brilliance, overdrawing the strength of his whole body to devour.

The black mandala inside    detached from the small ball and turned into a gorgeous and unparalleled black flower that kept spinning, emitting a strong and strong devouring power and connecting with the seal outside.

   Yu Qingqian, who was originally paralyzed in the body of the garlic creature, opened his eyes tightly.

   She straightened up and stood up slowly. Although her face was even paler, her whole body had a radiance.

   At this time, two forces, one white and one black, were constantly colliding and repelling the garlic creature's body. They wanted to swallow each other, but because they were evenly matched, there was no way to take the other.

   But the fight did not stop, instead it became more intense, the two forces collided more strongly, and penetrated the whole body of the garlic creature.

  Yu Qingqian's face raised an arc, looking at the humanized face of the painful garlic-headed creature, he said lightly: "Let you taste the taste of these ten strange poisons."

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