As soon as Sora moved his finger as he passed the ball, the ball on the ground was sucked into her hand.

   This scene was also discovered by Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, who had previously taken away part of their energy and put them on Kong Wu.

   Of course, Lou Zhan and Yu Jing also found out.

   But the two of them didn't see it, they recognized Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen's abilities very much, and this trivial matter couldn't be solved.

   At the same time, they don't care about small characters like Kongwu very much because of their strength.

   Yu Qingqian's position was not far from Kong Yi, and when he saw the opponent secretly put away the ball, he also guessed his thoughts.

   Kong Yi was probably worried that Kong Wu would bring someone over to make trouble, so he put it away.

   "Throw the ball back to the ground." Yu Qingqian used his mental power to transmit sound to the air.

  kong was stunned for a moment, she knew it was Yu Qingqian by listening to the sweet and waxy childish voice, her expression did not change but she turned her head to look at Yu Qingqian unconsciously.

   Seeing that Yu Qingqian nodded to her again, he threw the ball in his hand quietly on the ground without hesitation.

   "Aren't you afraid of being tracked?" Kong Yi asked Yu Qingqian in confusion.

   Kongichi didn't doubt Kongwu before, but the other party emphasized that he wanted to act alone along the way, and the bad premonition in his heart made him suspect Kongwu.

   Originally thought that they were teammates who had experienced life and death together no matter what. Soraichi didn't want to suspect anything even if he didn't like Sorago's temperament, but now there is only a chill in his heart.

   Yu Qingqian gave a meaningful chuckle: "What she wants is to attract people."

  Sora was very smart, and immediately understood what Yu Qingqian meant, with a softness in his eyes, "I understand!"

  Yu Qingqian turned his head to look at Kong Yi, although the other person's appearance was not the best, but the more he looked, the more attractive he looked, the better he looked.

  , coupled with the gentle and quiet clean temperament, always gives people a warm and considerate feeling, which is very attractive.

   At least Yu Qingqian likes empty temperament and people.

   Her brother Sheng Moran has a cold temperament, and his temperament is always alienated from strangers. In addition to being softer in front of them, he also has a less warm and kind side when dealing with Kong Yi.

  Yu Qingqian felt that his brother was different from Kongyi, and Sora was also different from his brother.

   "Kongyi, my brother is a very good person." Yu Qingqian said meaningfully.

  kong was stunned for a while, obviously not expecting Yu Qingqian to say this, she thought about it and replied, "Well, Mo Ran is a very good person."

"That's good, you and my brother are quite a match." Yu Qingqian decided to help the two break through that relationship first, otherwise they wouldn't know what age they would be when they consciously reacted to their feelings and cherished each other. month.

   She decided to do a **** assist.

  kong stiffened, looked up at Yu Qingqian, then lowered his head and sighed, "I'm dumb."

  Yu Qingqian said indifferently, "What does it have to do with being dumb? My brother won't mind."

   It's no wonder that my brother and Kongyi knew each other before, and they have experienced life and death several times, but Kongwu took advantage of the loophole. It turned out that she was dumb and not confident in herself!

   "But I always feel that I am not worthy of ink dyeing." Kong Yi has never confided his heart to anyone, but in the face of the soft and waxy Yu Qingqian little dumpling, he unconsciously leaked his thoughts out.

   Yu Qingqian felt that there was drama when he heard it, and the two brothers actually had that kind of relationship!

   It's no wonder that she almost couldn't wake up because of her brother's drug use. She said how could it be possible to do that if it was just a relationship between teammates and friends.

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