Yu Qingqian and others found that before entering the stone monument, several groups of people simultaneously cast murderous and plundering eyes at Sheng Moran and several others, who were the killers of the Fengshen Temple.

   "After entering, people who encounter Fengshen Temple will find a chance to kill them first!" Yu Qingqian frowned slightly.

   It was inconvenient to massacre the people of the Temple of Winds at the gate of the ancient battlefield before, but now the other party is thinking about them first.

   Feng Li sneered: "Yes, these people really think that the ancient battlefield is their battlefield."

   Remembering that the two teammates who got along well with him before were chased and killed by the traps set up by the people of Fengshen Temple, he kept his breath in his heart and wanted to kill all those chops.

   Lou Zhan chuckled: "Go in and let go and kill."

   "Go!" After he finished speaking, he turned into a streamer and flew into the stone tablet.

   Yu Qingqian and others also turned into streamers and flew into the stone tablet without hesitation.

  The ancient battlefield was opened for a total of seven days. After seven days, the door on the stone tablet will automatically return to its previous appearance.

   Therefore, all the people who were guarding near the stele flew into the ancient battlefield, and those who also arrived in the following days can also enter.

   After Yu Qingqian and others entered the stele, they seemed to be teleported by the teleportation plant pattern, and it took a long time to reach their destination and stand firm.

  I looked up and saw that there was an open grassland all around, the sky was very blue and white clouds, and the grassland below was full of green flowers and plants, full of vitality.

   If it wasn't for the black air still exuding all around, Yu Qingqian and the others would suspect that they had reached a certain grassland in the Guangluan mainland.

   Yu Qingqian looked at the grassland in surprise and said, "I didn't expect that the ancient battlefield would look like this when it came in."

   Lou Zhan hooked his lips and smiled: "This is just the entrance to the ancient battlefield, and it also means the final peace. After crossing the grassland, it will be what you imagined, let's go."

"it is good!"

   In the ancient battlefields, flying holy weapons such as flying boats refined by blacksmiths cannot be used, and you can only rely on mounts or yourself to travel.

   Yu Qingqian released the bag, and the group sat on the bag and rushed towards the depths of the grassland.

  On the seventh day of the opening of the ancient battlefield, when there was only half an hour left to close, a huge flying boat appeared in front of the stone tablet.

   A tall, handsome young man jumped from the flying boat with a dark aura covering his entire body.

  The young man was enveloped in a dark atmosphere, unable to see the strength of his cultivation.

   Then behind him, eight people jumped down together, one person reached the Nirvana state, and the remaining seven people were all in the spirit state.

   "Your Highness, this is the entrance to the ancient battlefield, we just caught up." The middle-aged man who had cultivated in the Nirvana Realm said.

   The young man looked at the stone tablet in front of him, and asked an old man who followed behind him, "How about the news that I asked Zha?"

   "Report to Your Highness, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen have met Sheng Moran and Feng Li, and entered the ancient battlefield together seven days ago." The old man replied with a slight respect.

   The young man raised his eyebrows: "You said earlier that Yu Qingqian was cursed by the sea of ​​blood and turned into a child?"

   "Yes, this is an image of the news that came before, please take a look at it." The old man took out a crystal ball and handed it over.

  The young man took the crystal ball, stretched out his hand and wiped it, and a picture began to show inside. It was the news image of Yu Qingqian's use of poison to scare away the red-haired and blue-haired old poisonous monsters.

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