Not only Yu Qingqian discovered the crescent-shaped spring pool not far away, but others also discovered it.

   From the flying boat, there are still many teams or individuals running towards the spring pool.

   Lou Zhan's eyes showed a little more surprise and joy, "You are lucky, the fountain of purification law has really moved to the barren desert."

   "Then let's hurry over there too." Lou Qingqing's voice was filled with rare excitement.

   She has always been worried about the curse on Yu Jing, Yu Qingqian, and Feng Chen. After all, if the fountain of purification law cannot be found within a hundred years, the three of them will not be able to survive.

   She had read it in the ancient books. The Fountain of Purification Law moved frequently, and it was really hard to find someone who was cursed for hundreds of years.

   Lou Zhan nodded, his mind moved, the flying boat "hooked" and headed towards the curved spring pool at a faster speed.

  When everyone was approaching, the fountain of purification law, which had been quietly breathing milky white mist in the desert, suddenly and continuously shrank, and finally turned into only the size of a palm.

   "No, it's going to move again." Lou Zhan was stunned, and immediately used the dark power in his body to rush towards the slap-sized spring pool like a big net.

  It's a pity that after the big net of dark power fell, it did not have the slightest effect, and was directly purified and disappeared by a water column spurting out of the spring pool.

   then spontaneously formed a picture above the palm-sized spring pool.

   A place appeared in the picture. The ground was covered with white bones and there seemed to be a gloomy icy air around it. Just looking at that picture made people shiver inexplicably.

  The screen jumped a few times and put a few more pictures, and then the slap-sized spring pool disappeared in front of everyone with the last picture, without a trace and even the breath could not be locked.

   Lou Zhan's face sank, "Damn it, this fountain of purification law has already given birth to wisdom, and staying in the barren desert is playing tricks on us."

   No wonder no one was seen soaking in the pool.

   "Brother, why did it suddenly disappear?" Lou Qingqing asked nervously.

   Lou Zhan sighed: "The barren desert just doesn't stay long where it passes by. The place it really wants to move to is the ancient battlefield."

   "What? Was the scene that suddenly appeared over the lake and spring where it was going?" Lou Qingqing responded.

   Lou Zhan nodded: "Yes, every time the Fountain of Purification Law will have a foreshadowing before going to the next place, I judged from the scene on the screen that it is a Jedi in the ancient battlefield."

   Immediately, he looked at Yu Jing and Yu Qingqian helplessly and said, "I take back what I said earlier, your luck is a bit bad this time."

   The four of Yu Qingqian were a little disappointed, but they were all optimistic and positive.

   "It's not always possible to be so lucky every time, not to mention that maybe you can get some chance when you go to find the fountain of purification laws. Anyway, we all entered the ancient battlefield." Yu Qingqian smiled heartily.

   Lou Zhan chuckled lightly: "It's good for a little girl to have such an idea, but that place is really not a good place to go."

   "Forget it, I'll accompany you when the time comes." Lou Zhan thought about it and said.

  Sister will definitely accompany Yu Jing on the adventure, but he can't be relieved. In addition, he really likes Yu Qingqian's three little guys, so he can only go on the adventure himself.

   Yu Qingqian's eyes were bright, "Thank you Uncle Lou!"

   "Since the Fountain of Purification Law has disappeared, we also know where it will move next time. Now we don't need to look for it and go directly to the gate of the ancient battlefield ruins and wait for it to open." Lou Zhan said.

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