But in Yu Qingqian's opinion, this is not only not the best time to confess, but it is very bad.

   His brother would definitely not be the kind of person who would give in to his feelings in order to repay his gratitude. If the other party boils a frog in warm water, there is still some hope, but being so eager will cause him to resent and ponder.

  Sheng Moran nodded: "Okay, let's go over there and talk."

   Then he got up and walked towards a big tree in the distance.

   Sorago shook the potion bottle in his hands and didn't drink it, he stood up and followed.

   Seeing this, the beautiful and gentle woman revealed a bit of depression and bitterness in her eyes.

  Yu Qingqian wanted to talk to Feng Li, but she turned her head and accidentally caught the woman's exposed expression.

   "Feng Li, how do my brother get along with this other gentle beauty?" Yu Qingqian spoke to Feng Li with a bit of gossip.

   Feng Li looked up at Yu Qingqian with a funny look, "You care about how Mo Ran gets along with what woman!"

   "Nonsense, that's my brother, I don't care about his life events, do you care?" Yu Qing gave him a blank look.

   Feng Li was a little speechless, "I serve you!"

   "Mo Ran and Kong Yi get along very well, and Kong Yi once saved Mo Ran and me several times."

Feng Li paused and sighed: "In this way, the relationship between the two of them is really unusual. A year ago, Mo Ran was accidentally bitten by a poisonous dark beast, so Kongyi directly slapped him with his mouth. After taking the drug and taking care of him for several days, Mo Ran was lucky to survive."

"After Mo Ran's poison was detoxified, Kong Yi was in a coma for several months before he woke up. If it wasn't for a Nirvana realm healer who happened to pass by the third city, Kong Yi didn't know if he would have a chance to wake up. You can't really do that."

  Yu Qingqian pondered for a moment after listening to Feng Li's words, "Then it seems that this gentle beauty is really good for her brother without asking for anything in return?"

   "Sora is really good with Mo Ran, but it's also good for us, and he's a good person to get along with."

   Feng Li sighed and continued: "It's a pity that Sora can't speak, and can only use mental power when communicating."

   "Not being able to speak is not a big deal, as long as the person is good." Yu Qingqian glanced at Kongyi carefully, and found that the other person's eyes looked very clear and clean, she liked this kind of clean and gentle woman.

Feng Li agreed: "Yes, although Kongyi can't speak in Kongyi's organization, most people like her very much, and she often helps us who have just arrived in the abyss to join the Kong organization and do nothing. Someone who understands."

   "But she won't be overwhelmed with sympathy, she's soft on the inside and tough on the outside."

   Yu Qing smiled lightly: "This woman's heart is very soft, not bad."

   "By the way, does the Kongwu have divination or something? Or does it have special healing abilities?" Yu Qingqian thought about it and asked.

Feng Li was a little surprised at why Yu Qingqian asked such a question, but he still replied: "Kongwu knows how to divination and is very strong. We came to the cursed land several times because of the results of divination and avoided it. Danger."

   "I don't know if there is any special healing ability. I have never liked this woman very much. She often competes with Mo Ran. Our attitude towards her is to stay away."

   "By the way, since our healer died, every time we were injured by the Temple of the Wind, I found that she recovered faster than us." He added another sentence.

   "Why are you asking this? Do you suspect that she had a good plan to block the sword for Mo Ran before?" Feng Li had experienced a lot of palace fights, and she was smart and quickly reacted.

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