Yu Jing knew that her daughter came to the abyss to find Sheng Moran and Sheng Moran in addition to herself. Now she was relieved to see that they were safe.

   "Fortunately I met you here!"

  Sheng Moran respected Yu Jing very much and replied with a smile: "Yes! If it weren't for Xiao Qian and Feng Chen, we would be hard-pressed to get out of this oasis alive."

   "Qianqian and Feng Chen were originally here for you. Now that we meet in advance, let's go to the ancient battlefield together." Yu Jing had a warm and jade-like smile on his face, giving people a sense of intimacy like a spring breeze.

   Sheng Moran was a little surprised: "Uncle Yu, you guys are also here for the ancient battlefield?"

   "Yes, we came here for three purposes, to find you, to find the fountain of purification laws, and to find opportunities in the ancient battlefield." Yu Jing nodded.

  Sheng Moran asked in confusion: "Looking for the fountain of purification laws? Is there anyone who has been cursed?"

   then looked at Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen and asked, "Did you get cursed by suddenly becoming children?"

  A lot of Jedi in the abyss and **** or places that are listed as forbidden places will be cursed by people. Before, they wondered why the two became the same as when they were children.

   "Well, when we entered the abyss and hell, we were accidentally swept into the sea of ​​blood by the space storm, and then we were cursed by the sea of ​​blood."

  Yu Qingqian nodded and continued: "I originally wanted to find you first, and then go to find the Fountain of Purification Law to borrow the curse. I just found out that you are going to the ancient battlefield to complete the task, so we came directly to the cursed land."

   "Are there any other side effects besides getting smaller?" Sheng Moran asked worriedly.

   Feng Li's eyes also showed a bit of worry.

   "There are no other side effects, as long as the curse is lifted within a hundred years, it will help us a lot now." Yu Qing smiled lightly.

  If there is no curse of the sea of ​​blood, they will not be so fast in absorbing the black energy around them.

   Sheng Moran and Feng Li breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good!"

   "Why did those people from Fengshen Temple chase you down before?" Feng Chen looked at Feng Li and asked.

   "We received a mission to find an artifact, but there was a spirit that could sense that artifact, so they wanted to grab the artifact and take it as their own."

  Sheng Moran paused and said, "Our underground organization, Kong and Fengshen Temple, has always been in great conflict. In the wild, people from the two organizations meet almost endlessly."

"We originally came to the ancient battlefield for more than 20 people this time. Except for the six people who fell in danger, the others all fell in the process of taking the opportunity to attack and kill the Fengshen Temple." Feng Li's voice carried Kind of cold.

   Everyone came to the cursed land to wander together, and they also developed friendship with each other. When their teammates were killed, they all had a hard time.

"I don't know why Fengshen Temple suddenly mobilized several teams to go to the ancient battlefield this time. There are nearly 200 people in total. We are constantly being chased and killed by several of their teams. Otherwise, it is impossible to lose so many teammates." Sheng Moran sighed. breathed.

  Yu Qingqian narrowed her eyes dangerously, and said in an arrogant and domineering tone, "Since they dare to touch you, next time we encounter people from the Fengshen Temple, we will kill them all directly."

   The subordinates brought by Lou Zhan did not suspect that she was talking big when they heard Yu Qingqian's words. They found that this little girl was very good at protecting her shortcoming, and she could definitely do it.

   "Okay, I have to kill them all to get rid of the anger in my heart." Feng Li agreed very much.

   The space ring of the previous leader appeared in Feng Li's hands, and he said meaningfully: "I probably guessed the reason why Fengshen Temple sent so many people to prepare to enter the ancient battlefield."

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