Yu Qingqian not only has a natural affinity for plants, but also loves and pitys them very much. From what he feels, he does not want to hurt those hidden plants.

  The dark plants can feel the affinity and kindness emanating from Yu Qingqian, so as long as the leading dark plant communicates with Yu Qingqian, he will evacuate with other dark plants.

   This kind of thing also amazed Lou Zhan's subordinates.

   Lou Zhan couldn't help but be surprised, he didn't expect Yu Qingqian to have such a special ability.

  Yu Jing knew that her daughter had the ability to communicate with plants since she was a child, so she was not surprised.

   There are many people rushing towards the cursed land. On the Mount of Doom, the group also encountered many teams or individuals on the way. They did not do anything with each other, but they were on guard and vigilant against each other.

   Many people who followed Yu Qingqian and others saw that she communicated directly with Anzhi to let him retreat, and they were all surprised and began to pay attention to Yu Qingqian and others.

   Half a year later, Yu Qingqian and his group encountered a dark beast in the middle stage of the Heling Realm on the top of the mountain. Lin Mingze could not attack, and the others, under the command of Feng Chen, joined forces to use the power of the plant pattern ban to kill it.

   also made other teams feel more jealous of them.

   After another month and after many obstacles, Yu Qingqian and others finally found the underground cave at the foot of the mountain leading to the cursed land.

  The cave is over a thousand meters high and can accommodate many people passing through at the same time.

  The entrance to the cave was dark, and there was a huge skeleton erected around it, and it could be seen that it should be a dark beast.

  The skeleton exudes a majestic coercion, making the dark beasts and dark plants on the mountain and at the foot of the mountain not dare to approach.

   will not cause harm to those who come, but it will make people not resist.

   "As long as we pass through the passage under this cave, we can reach the boundary of the cursed land." Lou Zhan was very satisfied with the performance of Yu Qingqian and others over the past six months.

   I had encountered several threats that looked very dangerous before, but they were all resolved by Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen leading the crowd, and they had not made a single attack.

   "Is there a lot of danger in this cave?" Yu Qingqian asked.

   Lou Zhan said with a smile: "No, this cave is actually formed by a part of the skeleton of a dark beast of the Eternal Realm God Emperor that once died. It happens to have the ability to space, so after going down, we will be sent directly to the cursed land."

"And this ghost place is very magical. The cursed land is huge, and the teleportation is random. If you are lucky, you will teleport to a place closer to the ancient battlefield. It will not take too much time to reach the destination. It is only used in Just wait at the door."

He paused and said: "But if you are unlucky, you will be teleported to a place far away from the ancient battlefield or directly to some dangerous places. Some people who have not entered the ancient battlefield will die after being teleported here. "

   Yu Qingqian and the others never thought that this huge skeleton could have such a function.

   "Is there any way to change or affect the direction of the teleportation?" Yu Qingqian asked curiously.

Lou Zhan shook his head with a smile: "No, this is a part of the back of the Eternal God Emperor who is left here as a space transmission. If you want to change or affect the transmission direction, only the Eternal God Emperor who also has strong space ability can do it. "

   "But you don't have to worry. With the strength of our team, even if the bad luck is spread far, we will definitely be able to arrive before the ancient battlefield opens."

   Lou Zhan calculated the time well before departure to ensure that the opening time would not be delayed.

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