The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2047: Famous name spreads far and wide

   As soon as Yu Qingqian and the others came out of the school, the two old poisonous monsters found it and passed the news to the black-haired old man.

   A few people went to the lord city for a stroll, and then found out that there was an underground force specializing in selling intelligence in the suburbs.

   Yu Qingqian and the others walked towards the location of the underground force without hesitation.

   It is said that as long as the underground forces have dark essence, the news in the tenth lord's mansion can basically be bought, and it is also a huge strength left over from the past, and the new city lord has not officially used them.

   I don't care about these Yu Qingqian people at all, as long as they can get useful information.

   After more than an hour, the three arrived at the approximate location of the underground forces on the map on the outskirts of the city.

  Lin Mingze frowned as he looked at the large lake with beautiful scenery in front of him, "There is no atmosphere of planting prohibition here, and there are no people here. Could it be that the so-called underground forces are under the lake?"

   Feng Chen also frowned, an inexplicable sense of crisis enveloped his heart, he said solemnly and cautiously: "We may have been fooled."

  Yu Qingqian also found something wrong here. This place is more like a remote scenic area, and it doesn't look like there are people walking around often.

   It seems that the people they have encountered inquiries before have been bribed, or have been deliberately arranged.

  Lin Mingze's eyes were scarlet, with a strange light flashing, "I've confirmed it again, there's no such thing as an underground force here."

   The few people I met earlier said that they were righteous, and even they were deceived. The other party was afraid that it had been premeditated.

   Feng Chen swept his surroundings and said, "Let's get out of here first."

   Only his voice fell, and a loud and sinister laughter sounded.

   "Haha, since a few friends are here, why rush to leave?"

   Immediately, Yu Qingqian and a few others saw three old men walking out of the space in front of them, talking to a black-haired old man who was staring at them with incomparably hot eyes.

The black-haired old man looked at the small appearances of Yu Qingqian and the three, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt, he couldn't help but licked his dry lips and said to the red-haired old man, "It's really good stuff, you two old guys this time. It didn't disappoint me."

   The red-haired old man smiled and said: "That is, we are very clear about your preferences, and there is no benefit in lying to you."

  Yu Qingqian naturally felt the possessive and predatory desire of the black-haired old man, and the undisguised eyes made them very disgusted.

   "It's really troublesome to become a child. I still have to put the blame on that stinky dragon." Lin Mingze saw the other party's interest in the three of them and was very angry.

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "These accounts really have to be recorded on that dead dragon."

   Seahorse beast widened its eyes when it looked at the black-haired old man, with a look of fear and shock on its face.

   "Little Demon Star, that old guy's body is the three-headed dog of the abyss and hell, and his body is full of poison. It is said that he is immune to the toxins in the world. I'm afraid your poisonous poison is ineffective against him." He leaned over to Yu Qingqian and reminded him.

The breath between    beasts and beasts is very easy to distinguish. It happened that Seahorse beast once saw a three-headed dog of **** who had gone through the sea of ​​blood near the sea of ​​blood, so he remembered the smell of the other party's breath.

   The old man opposite happened to exude the same smell.

  The three-headed dog in the abyss is famous for its perversion in the abyss.

   He was a little crazy in his heart, this time it seemed that he was going to play big!

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