The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2030: If you want to run, let's run together

  The words of the Great Demon King made the backs of the practitioners in Guangluan Continent chill, especially the disciples who had experienced the Three Dao Conference, and their scalps were numb.

   They said that with the usual wanton and arrogant temperament of the Great Demon King, how could he be so well-behaved and harmless, the feelings are waiting for the two old men here.

   The red-haired old man and the blue-haired old man looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

   "Little friend, the two of you just want to share with you more about the experience of refining poison, so you don't need to try the poison." The red-haired old man changed his mind.

The top ten strange poisons in the major heterotopic interfaces are all unsolvable. This black and white strange poison ranks ninth. The cultivation and life of the poisoned person will pass as the two poisons devour each other and resist each other. Both have understood.

   Therefore, the fear of this drop of poison is deeper than everyone present.

  The blue-haired old man immediately laughed and said, "Oh! I suddenly remembered that it's time for a medicinal liquid that I extracted earlier."

   "Old man red, you are here to share your experience in refining poison with your little friend, and I'll take a step first." After the blue-haired old man finished speaking, he directly borrowed the space spirit plant to teleport and disappeared in place.

   Just kidding, although he wasn't sure if the little girl really wanted to try them out in the movie, but he didn't dare to try it, it would kill people.

   The red-haired old man scolded the other party over and over when he saw the blue-haired old man's disappearing back. This dead old man was so disloyal, he just ran away like that.

   If you want to run, let’s run together!

  Yu Qingqian looked at the red-haired old man with a half-smile and asked, "Senior wants to share with me the experience of refining poison!"

   "Then why don't you try this strange poison first? I'm currently researching how to get rid of this strange poison, why don't you give me some advice?" She continued.

   The red-haired old man smiled shyly: "I don't have a deep research on this strange poison, little friend, let's find someone else."

   "If I have something to do, I will leave first, and I will have a chance to communicate with my little friends in the future."

   The red-haired old man saw that the black and white venom was slowly flying towards him, and immediately said a word and disappeared in place using the same teleportation.

  Yu Qingqian looked at the place where the two disappeared and pouted, the two dead old men really had no guts, they won the bet.

With a move of   , the drop of black and white liquid returned to Yu Qingqian's palm to play with.

   She looked bright and evil, playing with the venom in her palm, and swept her eyes around: "Do you want to taste the venom after watching the good show so hard just now?"

   She asked, and the other soldiers who were watching from the alien interface and not far away retreated.

   Just kidding, the two old poisonous ghosts in the city are afraid to try the venom, they only want to try it unless they think their life is too long.

   At this time, Yu Qingqian's evil and coquettish image has been imprinted in his heart. No wonder those experienced practitioners in Guangluan Continent just privately called the Demon King of the Girl. This behavior is really devilish.

   Especially those soldiers felt the deepest feeling. Those two old poisonous ghosts had been running rampant in the first city for many years, and it was the first time they saw someone who was more aggressive and arrogant than the two old guys.

   This little girl named Yu Qingqian is not simple!

After the other practitioners of the alien interface left, Yu Qingqian looked at the disciples of Baiwu Mountain Villa and Leisha Mountain with a half-smile, "It's been a long time, brothers and sisters! Now I'm waiting to get together with us. ?"

   "..." The disciples of Baiwu Mountain Villa and Leisha Mountain swallowed their saliva and gathered a ghost. They didn't want to meet with the Great Demon King, and they might be poisoned by the Great Demon King quietly.

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