Seeing Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen coming out, several people came over.

  Xiaowu saw that the faces of the two were not bad, he smiled and asked, "Do you need to buy any more news?"

   Feng Chen said: "We want to buy a detailed introduction, family power distribution, and map about the first, second and third cities of the abyss hell."

   "I also need a piece of news about the tenth lord's mansion in the first city and a piece of news about the Mount of Doom and the Blasted Land."

   The middle-aged man was a little surprised when he heard his words. He didn't expect that the two would buy so much information after they bought the tracing news. They were really rich.

   "We have all the news that the young master said, please come with me."

   After he finished speaking, he continued to sit on the fourth floor of the stone tower with a teleportation plant pattern with a few people.

  The fourth floor is still a hall, and then there are several corridors.

  The middle-aged man led a few people in through a corridor. This time the stone door was open.

   There was a man in a gray robe sitting in the room, without a cloak, a woman with an ordinary appearance.

   "Steward, there are guests who want to buy detailed information on the first city, the second city and the third city." The middle-aged man respectfully spoke to the woman.

  The woman raised her head, glanced at Yu Qingqian and the others and said, "The person who wants to buy information comes in, and the others are waiting outside."

   So Lin Mingze took the seahorse beast and Ah Da out again, while Xiao Wu and the middle-aged man voluntarily withdrew.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen walked to the chair opposite the woman and sat down.

The woman asked directly: "The intelligence of the three major cities is divided into three grades, low, medium and high. The first city is relatively cheaper, and the second and third cities are twice as expensive. Which one do you want to buy? "

   "What's the price of superior intelligence?" Feng Chen asked.

   "One million low-grade dark marrow in the first city, two million in the second city, and three million in the third city." The woman replied simply.

   Feng Chen thought about it and asked: "Senior, what is the biggest difference between superior intelligence and medium and inferior?"

"The high-level information includes all the low-level and medium-level information. In addition, there are detailed introductions and maps of the city and outside the city, as well as detailed information on secret realms, ancient tombs, and resource distribution." The woman patiently back.

   "Senior, if we go to the second city and the third city to buy information about this city, will the price be cheaper?" Yu Qingqian asked after thinking for a while.

  Thousand-faced Pavilion is an information and intelligence agency under the second largest chamber of commerce in the nine cities, and each city has its branch.

  The woman chuckled: "No, the news of Thousand Faces Pavilion is the same price in the Nine Cities, and the high-quality news of each city is doubled, and it is the same wherever you buy it."

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen looked at each other and said, "Then ask for a piece of high-level information."

   Then he took out the VIP card on the first floor, took out six million low-grade dark marrow from it and handed it to the woman. "

   After the woman accepted the low-grade dark marrow, she stood up and grabbed it from the space behind, and three dark blue jade slips flew out from it.

   Handed the jade slip to Yu Qingqian, and the woman emphasized: "You can share this information with people you know, but you are not allowed to take it out and sell it, otherwise you will be killed by Qianmian Pavilion."

  The jade slip itself has a ban on planting patterns that cannot be copied, but it can re-engrave the information content. In order to prevent someone from using the information of Qianji Pavilion to resell for profit, there is such a rule.

   "Okay, we got it." Yu Qingqian put away the jade slip.

The    woman waved her hand, "Two little friends, walk slowly!"

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