Lin Mingze's planting level is very high, and a large accelerated planting pattern was engraved on the boat.

   Therefore, the speed of the flat boat in the sea is no slower than that of the seahorse beast, and even the seahorse beast needs 90% of the speed to keep pace.

   In the middle of the night, the blood-red moon is in the sky, and the deeper you drive, the more eerie the blood-red sea is.

  When the boat is more than 20,000 meters away from the beach, you can feel the breath and roar of sea beasts in the deep sea.

  Many sea beasts discovered the special boat and the delicious smell of flesh and blood on it, so they swam from the depths of the sea.

  But when he approached the boat, he discovered the existence of the huge seahorse beast, so he immediately dispersed as a bird and beast, and disappeared before the three of Yu Qingqian could make a move.

  Lin Mingze and Yu Qingqian looked at the seahorse beast with bad eyes at the same time, which made him shiver.

   "Little Seahorse, did you do it on purpose?" Yu Qing squinted her eyes lightly, her eyes filled with dangerous light, and she looked at the seahorse beast displeased with a bottle of ice-blue potion in her hand.

  Lin Mingze's eyes were scarlet, and the cute Baozi's face was full of malevolence, "Are you deliberately scaring the fish we caught?"

   Seahorse Beast finally realized what the two of them meant, and suddenly wanted to cry to death. He wasn't so full that he deliberately tried to scare away those sea beasts.

   Obviously those sea beasts found his powerful aura and ran away by themselves. Looking at the unkind and evil eyes of the two cute and beautiful children, the seahorse beast felt that he was too wronged.

   "I didn't do it on purpose, I've restrained my breath, who knew they would run away as soon as they saw me." He immediately explained, for fear that the two of them would stare at his bones if they misunderstood, he didn't want to be a little perverted bracelet.

  Yu Qingqian stretched out her pink fingers to hook the seahorse beast and said, "You have transformed into a human-shaped boat."

   "..." Seahorse beast looked at the cute little man but gave birth to a chill, can he choose not?

   Looking at the unkindness in Lin Mingze's scarlet eyes again, the seahorse beast turned into a human figure with a bitter face and jumped onto the boat and sat down. Although the aura on his body subsided again, there was still a residual pressure leaking out.

   After all, they are all sea beasts, and he was born with a sense of oppression to other low-level sea beasts.

   Yu Qingqian directly put the medicine in his hand into his hand, "Drink it."

  The seahorse swallowed its saliva and asked, "What is this?"

   This little girl wouldn't want to poison him, would she?

  Yu Qing gave the seahorse beast a white look, "It's just to help you restrain your breath, don't worry, you still have great use, it won't poison you."

  This seahorse is too afraid of death.

  Hippocampus twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard her straightforward words, and could only bite the bullet and took the ice-blue potion, and drank it with a sigh of relief under the gazes of Yu Qingqian and Lin Mingze.

  The sea of ​​blood monsters have ravaged the village for so many years, so Ada didn't like the seahorse beast. Seeing him being so unlovable by Yu Qingqian and Lin Mingze, Ada felt very happy.

  After drinking the potion, the seahorse beast found that the breath of the heavenly spirit realm on its body was inexplicably dissipated automatically, but the demon power and spiritual power could be used, but it was temporarily unable to change back to its original body.

   The aura emanating from him at this time is almost like A Da's spirit emperor, which is enough to lure the sea beasts in the deep sea to attack.

  The seahorse beast couldn't help but be startled, this little girl's potion is too powerful to have such an effect.

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