Seahorse beasts not only want to be free, but also want to go to several major cities in the abyss and **** to experience and experience, naturally they will not refuse such a good thing.

   His answer was also expected by the three of Lin Mingze.

  Yu Qingqian looked around and found that there were a lot of good things in the hall, "Let's take everything that can be used in this palace, so as not to waste it."

   "..." The seahorse twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking in his heart that you don't need to take it away, and part of it is his hard work!

  Lin Mingze and Feng Chen nodded in agreement, and the three of them acted respectively to wipe away the mysterious palace.

   Under the double coercion and lure of Lin Mingze and Yu Qingqian, the seahorse beast took the three of them to a small treasure house of the three sea beasts of the Blood Sea Daoist.

   Although there are not too many things in it, they are all precious resources in the sea of ​​blood. Even if they don’t have to take out to exchange things, they can still make a lot of money.

  The three of them also found some black jade and black marrow in the palace, and Yu Qingqian took out a piece and threw it into the small tower space.

   Then I found that there was no change in the black jade thrown in, but the black marrow had a reaction when it was thrown into the small tower space, just like throwing the spiritual marrow at the beginning.

   Yu Qingqian was overjoyed. At this time, only he and Feng Chen were there. Lin Mingze and the seahorse beast went to another place to look for something, so they called out the fat cat.

  Lin Mingze is the corpse of Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, so Yu Qingqian will not deliberately hide the matter of the small tower space, but he cannot let the seahorse beast know.

   The fat cat was sleeping with the spirit of plants and trees in the bluestone space, and was called out by Yu Qingqian and looked lazy.

   "Why did you call me?" The fat cat glanced at Yu Qingqian.

   Yu Qingqian took out a black pulp and said, "Is this thing useful for the small tower space now?"

The fat cat's eyes lit up when he saw Black Marrow, "Of course it's useful, Black Marrow is equivalent to Spirit Marrow, the low-grade Spirit Marrow in the small tower is already saturated, if you throw more Black Marrow into it, it will have the same effect as if you dropped it before. "

   "It's a pity that these sea beasts are too poor, and there are only tens of thousands of low-grade black marrow, so I won't throw away the small tower space for the time being." Yu Qingqian said with a little regret.

   These sea beasts do not like to collect black jade and black marrow, but rather collect some dark objects in the sea of ​​blood.

   It's just that those dark objects are not useful to them, but fortunately Lin Mingze can use some.

   The fat cat rolled his eyes, "Then why did you ask me to come out? You made me happy for nothing, bad woman, you are getting worse and worse."

   Yu Qingqian stared at the fat cat angrily, "I'll let you come out and ask, if I'm so bad, you won't want to eat black marrow in the future."

   The fat cat, who was still lazy and looked like an uncle, immediately frowned and became obedient when he heard Yu Qingqian's words, and jumped into her arms, arching her arm with his plump head.

   "I'm just kidding, how can you be a bad woman, you're the best owner!" The fat cat wanted to cry, and it was also hard to eat some spiritual marrow.

   Yu Qingqian rubbed the fat cat's head fiercely, "You're good at it."

   "When I get to the city of the abyss and hell, I will exchange the resources of these sea beasts for the black marrow. You can be honest with me recently, otherwise everything will be ignored." For the fat cat, the lazy person has to do both hard and soft.

Sure enough, Uncle Cat's blue eyes were astonishingly bright, and he ate too much spirit marrow to change the taste. He still liked black marrow, so he put aside his dignity for the sake of future rations, and immediately put his incomparable intimacy in Yu Qingqian's arms. There are all kinds of coquetry and cuteness.

   Uncle Cat's actions made the spirits of plants and trees in the bluestone space scornfully despise him.

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