While Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were chatting and laughing, Lin Mingze's figure floated out, and he just swayed around in a random circle, and then he saw the fierce blood sea monsters that rushed up to the ground one after another and died.

  The villagers who were desperately resisting the monster took a few steps back and gave the battlefield to the cute child who suddenly appeared.

   In just a moment, Lin Mingze, who was exuding suffocating aura and eyes with a bit of scarlet red, easily slapped to death all the **** beasts in the villages that were facing great enemies.

  The surroundings were silent, and the people in several villages felt like they were dreaming when they saw the vicious sea monsters that had harassed their safety.

  Especially seeing Lin Mingze's pink and lovely appearance, they swallowed, they were really unbelievable and the sea couldn't measure it.

   If they hadn't seen this cute kid go wild and kill beasts with their own eyes, they would never have thought that his combat power was so powerful and bloodthirsty.

   Yu Qingqian looked at Lin Mingze and shocked the villagers. He chuckled lightly, "Senior brother is a bit overkill."

   It is too unchallenging to let the power of the Heavenly Spirit Realm to deal with the blood sea beasts of the Spiritual Saint and the Spiritual Venerable.

   Feng Chen nodded: "I think it's not just as simple as helping my senior brother."

   Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, the two of them saw Lin Mingze use a dagger to cut open the key part of the sea of ​​​​blood beast, and take out a vermilion crystal core from it.

   "Hey, it seems that these sea of ​​blood beasts are still somewhat useful to us." As soon as Yu Qingqian's mental power acted on the vermilion crystal core, both wood-type abilities and mental abilities had a faint response.

   Since the spiritual power and wood powers were promoted to the king level, she has not felt the fluctuations of the powers for a long time, except for the super poisonous reaction.

   But now, he could feel a slight fluctuation from the crystal core in Lin Mingze's hand, indicating that absorbing and refining these crystal cores is helpful for the improvement of energy.

  Feng Chen also cultivated the spiritual power ability, and also felt the fluctuation of the ability that had been silent for a long time, his eyes were deep, "I feel it too."

  Lin Mingze dealt with the corpses of the sea of ​​​​blood beasts very quickly, and dug out all the crystal cores in less than half a column of incense.

   A group of villagers couldn't help cheering when they saw this. Although it was an outsider who killed a sea of ​​blood beasts for them, it also relieved the crisis in the village.

  The village chief was just about to step forward to speak, when suddenly there was another roar of vicious beasts not far away, wave after wave, and the number was astonishing.

   The most important thing is that the coercion in the roar of the sea of ​​​​blood beasts is much more powerful than the previous attack. Just listening to the sound made many villagers vomit blood.

  The village chief and the villagers were completely stunned, and then their expressions changed drastically.

   "Oops, what's going on? Why are there so many **** beasts attacking." A village chief's face was even more bitter than a bitter gourd, and he looked like he was facing a great enemy.

  Other villagers clenched their weapons tightly and made a desperate gesture, which was a situation they had never encountered before.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were also stunned, but there was a little more smile in their eyes.

Hearing the roar of the fierce beast, it was basically a spiritual emperor cultivation, and even occasionally mixed with a few breaths of human spiritual cultivation. The two became interested in the crystal core of the blood sea fierce beast, so the villagers were miserable. It's a good thing for them.

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